CP urges readers to visit http://www.cohenbulletin.blogspot.com/ to see what Josh has to say about the new Anne Arundel County budget. CP would like to take this opportunity to remind readers that government services cost $$$. In this country, with the outrageous exception of our bloated military (HUGE) and public housing (tiny in comparison) our tax dollars generally work rather than play--as they often do in other less efficiently governed countries. If one wishes to live in a civilized society, one must pay the piper.
Our federal, state, county and city governments each face looming deficits. The choice is simple--cut services, streamline services or raise revenue. It’s the government and our infrastructure that have made it possible for us to become wealthy and we cannot get something for nothing--which is what slots and lotteries promise. It’s the government’s backing of the almighty dollar that makes it possible. And besides, we are taxed at a lower rate than most developed nations (assuming we are developed)….so let’s stop whining about taxes and just bite the bullet. CP is tired of corporate apologists and Republicans complaining about our so-called high taxes. They just want more and more for themselves, but when it becomes impossible to drive, fly or take a bus anywhere, when our water and air become polluted, when our kids cannot read or write and when a fire truck breaks down or a library closes……….etc. etc….
Bay Daily on Hiatus
Congratulations to Bay Daily creator, Tom Pelton, who has accepted a
position with another organization working to make the world a better
place. In his ab...
10 years ago
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