POLICE UNION ARGUING WITH CITY ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Monday, July 30, 2007


Aaah, the truth perhaps lies somewhere in the middle, but both the Annapolis government and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 400 are each using The Capital to trade barbs about contract negotiations and who is getting what and who ain‘t.

ARRRRGGGHHH….CP has no reason to believe that the overpaid union bureaucrats at UFCW 400 have anyone’s interest at heart except for their own pockets. Overall, Mayor Moyer and City Council have done a pretty good job bringing our police officer’s pay and benefits into line with, if not above other jurisdictions. It was a part of her campaign where she was supported by police and she apparently delivered. The big issue, as far as citizens go, is why we don’t have a full complement of sworn officers and why we don’t have a more responsive and effective leadership in the department?
CP wishes these parties could get together in a more constructive manner. Why does there have to be such rancorous debate? Finally, local union steward John Lee ought to give serious thought to all the political involvement and support he and his union give to those running for office and in office. Maybe they need to re-evaluate where they place their money and mouths. And finally, what do the rank and file think? CP doubts the union knows…or cares.


Jambon said...

"CP has no reason to believe that the overpaid union bureaucrats at UFCW 400 have anyone’s interest at heart except for their own pockets."

Wow. Did I suddenly hop on over to the Cato Institutes's blog? Maybe you should change that little part at the top about this blog being "progressive" because I don't know to many "progressives" that use generic right wing talking points like that to bash organized labor.

Do you honestly think the mayor and council are solely the ones responsible for "bringing our police officer’s pay and benefits into line with, if not above other jurisdictions". The officers (which ARE THE UNION) negotiated those raises. NEWSFLASH: The city doesn't give that stuff out of the goodness of their heart.

Nothing makes me more ill than a self described Democrat that bashes unions. If you don't support workers rights to organize and bargain collectively then I suggest you join the Libertarian Party. We don't need anymore corporate sellouts disguised at Democrats in our ranks.

Paul Foer said...

CP has some specific experience in this matter, which he'd be pleased to share with you if you were interested--and if you identified yourself. So-who are you?
Second of all, CP does not necessarily believe that all unions are always good or are always doing good things. If there is some kind of litmus test that determines what makes one a "progressive" and CP failed that because he criticized a union, well, too bad. CP believes the UFCW 400 is an entrenched bureaucracy out of touch with its rank and file. This does not make CP a Libertarian, nor does he think it is a "right wing talking point to bash organized labor." CP criticized one union--and they never seem happy with what they get. And for the record, CP eschews old school, tax-and-spend liberalism as much as he disdains laissez faire corporatism.

It's too bad that whatever CP has done has caused you to write that "Nothing makes me more ill than a self-described Democrat that bashed unions." Too bad. Take some aspirin, get plenty of rest, drink fluids and call your doctor. CP is not responsible for your current state of health, but if that's all it takes to make you so terribly ill, perhaps you have other health concerns that should be analyzed. Yes-analyzed.

Finally, calling CP a "corporate sellout" because he does not like one union is such an absurd comment that he hardly knows how to respond. But, it seems to go hand-in-hand with your other mean-spirited and nasty comments. If CP were a corporate sellout, he would be doing something entirely different and doing so most profitably.

So, now that CP writes this blog for public consumption and has his name and reputation out there all the time, why don't you identify yourself?

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