STRANGER THAN FICTION ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Monday, August 27, 2007


CP readers know that CP ran unsuccessfully for City Council in the recent special election. Well, it was modestly successful.

He came in second.

Out of a field of two.

But it was close. Not really. But close only counts in horsehoes and hand grenades. Anyhow, CP has maintained a good rapport with the man who came in first, Ross Arnett, with whom he recently had a pleasant and detailed conversation about how to save Eastport, the city and the world...sort of.

So, more or less, this is how the conversation went (mind you that we had not spoken for months). CP did not record or take notes but reconstructs this from his fetid memory, so be advised...

CP: So Ross, how are you?

RA: Not as good as I was last week on vacation in (mid-sized city in a distant US state)

CP: I was there too last week.

RA: Really? Where exactly? ( we then discovered how close we were to each other though thousands of miles from Annapolis)

RA Yeah, I went out there on ____ and came back on _____?

CP No kidding? I went out there and returned on the same two dates.

We then found that we were on different flights, which was fine with me, because his was delayed over 6 hours. Revenge is sweet. We also found out that we went to different places, though on different dates. If we were on the same plane, it certainly would have made us a target for some crazy Annapolitans.

How odd it would have been had we bumped into each other in that distant city or if we were on the same flight? Yes, CP also wonders how often these "close calls" or "near misses" happen to all of us? It has happened to CP before, to run into a friend while many hundreds or thousands of miles in home. It happened twice this summer with Annapolitans in two different locations in Massachusetts and it even happened to him once in London. Yes, as in England. But the big question is how often do we meet up with, talk to or meet our neighbors on our own streets?


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