
Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Excerpted and edited from a news release from The City of Annapolis:

Community Discussion Will Address Climate Science, Solutions; Events
Happening Nationwide

Mayor Ellen Moyer announced that the City will host
several events on October 4, 2007 to discuss the science and what is
needed at the local level and beyond to solve global warming.
“People all over America are gathering on October 4th to discuss
Climate Change,” said Mayor Moyer. “For those of us that live in
Annapolis, the realities of sea level rise and habitat stress are
something we see everyday. I am pleased to include this National
Conversation as part of the City’s ongoing “Let’s Talk”

Conversations will take place at 6 p.m. at the Hard Bean Coffee and Booksellers
at the City Dock, 49 West Coffehouse, Winebar and Gallery at 49 West
Street, Ahh, Coffee in the Eastport Shopping Center and Zu Coffee at 934
Bay Ridge Road.

Everyone that attends will be encouraged to “Take the Pledge” to
reduce their personal carbon footprint. Brochures, magazines and other
information will be available to help show how a few simple changes can
help reduce carbon emissions.

Local governments are uniquely positioned to significantly reduce
global warming pollution. They have been spearheading the effort to
implement innovative strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while
saving energy and money and fostering healthier, more livable

“We hope the National Conversation on Climate Action will spark a
broad discussion that starts at the local level about the challenges and
solutions associated with global warming and that ultimately leads to
real, effective action,” said Michelle Wyman, Executive Director of
ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability.

Ray Weaver, PIO, City of Annapolis
410 263 1183

CP thinks that learning about and discussing global warming is a good thing. However, he wonders how many people will be driving to these events, and using non-renewable resources such as paper, plastic and styrofoam products. Certainly local governments can and are doing many things to slow the human-induced warming of our planet, but CP is sick and tired of how we have conversations and share lists about we as individuals can all do simple little things to stop a global phenomenon. We need major and radical changes and we need them now. If our local government, or any government for that matter, is going to take the lead, then please lead. We can begin by having a policy to reduce automobile use by providing real options and choices for people. We are not doing that. Instead of just having citizens take a pledge, let's have Mayor Moyer and our City Council take a pledge to make it harder, not easier to drive in our city, to take steps to reduce automobile traffic and congestion, to improve our bus system, build bike lanes and bike facilities, encourage walking etc., etc. Now that would be making a difference.

CP again encourages readers to see this article by climate activist Mike Tidwell
Here is a brief excerpt (in italics below):

But what's the solution? Most media sidebars and web links quickly send us to that peppy and bright list we all know so well, one vaguely reminiscent of Better Homes and Gardens: "10 Things You Can Do to Save the Planet." Standard steps include: change three light bulbs. Consider a hybrid car for your next purchase. Tell the kids to turn out the lights. Even during the recent Al Gore-inspired Live Earth concerts, the phrase "planetary emergency" was followed by "wear more clothes indoors in winter" and "download your music at home to save on the shipping fuel for CDs."

Nice little gestures all, but are you kidding me? Does anyone think this is the answer?

Mayor Moyer--please keep talking and working on global warming, but's let shift from discussion to action and to action on the part of our local government, not just light bulb and thermostat tweaks.


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