AT 12:11 ON 11:13 WE HAD 11,111 SITE VISITS ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

AT 12:11 ON 11:13 WE HAD 11,111 SITE VISITS

and now from the useless filler department of meaningless stuff...Okay...this would have been really, really weird if it happened on 11-11 and it had still been daylight savings time, as it would have meant 11,111 site visits on 11-11 at 1:11. And what if it happened in 2011? You think I'm making this up just to blow smoke? Never. It actually almost happened. I am anxiously awaiting confirmation from The National Bureau of Standards atomic clock in Fort Collins, Colorado. If that does not happen, at least it will get written up in The National Inquirer...or is that Enquirer? I mean, this inquiring/enquiring mind wants to know....oops, while we were writing it just turned to 11,112


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