NO IMPACT MAN...It's Been A Year ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

NO IMPACT MAN...It's Been A Year

The latest from "No Impact Man" of New York City:

"So, it's been a year. Twelve months ago, 52 weeks ago, 365 days ago, my little family--one wife, one toddler, one dog, one husband--embarked on a project to live with as low as possible an environmental impact for one year, smack bang in the middle of what some people think of as the most polluting city in the world--New York.
The rationale for the project was this:
(lower negative impact) + (higher positive impact) = no net impact
This, of course, has no real basis in science but it was meant to make rational-sounding a more philosophical question. Could I and my family, for at least this one year, do more good than harm?" See here for the rest of the story:


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