Mike Huckabee.....be afraid, be very afraid...He's the antichrist! ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mike Huckabee.....be afraid, be very afraid...He's the antichrist!

He wears red. "Silent Night" plays in the background. Notice (how can you help but notice?) the window pane behind him...a big cross, and see how it moves to frame him as the camera moves? Mike talks about how what matters most this time of year is the birth of Christ. Yeah Mike, but what about Santa Claus and the energizer bunny? Don't they count? Vote for Mike. He has accepted Jesus into his life. Jesus is Lord and Saviour.

Vote Jesus in the Iowa primary. Mike works for Jesus. So does George Bush, but his time as president is coming to end due to godless, secular, human law--gash dawnit! Shouldn't you work for Jesus and vote for Mike too? And with all this, he tries to come off as just being a regular guy, but boy oh boy was this ad about as highly stylized as any ever made.


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