A Great Start to the New Year--Double Homicide and Big Coke Bust ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, January 18, 2008

A Great Start to the New Year--Double Homicide and Big Coke Bust

It's all over the news by now, so I'm just amplifying the broadcast. If it had been but two weeks ago, this would have made eleven murders for the year instead of the record nine, but since it's mid-January, that makes two for the month which might mean 24 for the year. There was not much in the news report, apparently due to the timing, but it happened in an apartment in Bens Drive. That is not a HACA facility, but it is a privately owned, subsidized housing community. The big coke discovery, reportedly with a street value of $37,000 occurred only a block or two from HACA headquarters.

CP just learned that the slain woman was the mother of a student at nearby Georgetown East Elementary School. This was told to me by a staff-person at the school this evening.

We are sliding into violent lawlessness and our mayor and police chief seem unable to act.


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