Do You Know How To Delegate? ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Monday, February 11, 2008

Do You Know How To Delegate?

CP is confused about the specimen ballot he received in the mail. I just want to cast my vote for president. Who and what are all these delegates? I recognize some of the names such as Madonna who has "Edwards" after her name but I thought he dropped out. There is a Penny, A Shane and a Jen and there's even Ellen Moyer, er I mean Ellen O. Moyer who is pledged to--can you guess? Delegates are listed under "Female" or "Male" for some reason. Some of those under "Male" are named, for example, Deva Angel Dwarka, who I would have thought was a woman and he is committed, or pledged or somehow affiliated with Richardson, but he dropped out too. Arthur, C. Vernon and Noel are uncommitted, so yep, they definitely must be men. They must be afraid of that "C" word.

It says I can vote for no more than four females but for no more than three men. What? I really mean, WHAAATT? What if I only want uncommitted men to go to the convention, because, for example, I run a gentleman's club, or I just want a bigger choice of drinking buddies? I mean what's next, their sexual orientation? Their color? Their religion? Only one woman is uncommitted, but "her" name is Danielle Avery Buchman which might actually be Daniel, and Avery, well Avery? SO, if "she" is uncommitted, does that mean she can pass-the-buck man?

Why are we doing this? And what the ^@*()@&#())_ are all these delegate about anyhow? I if am voting for a presidential candidate, are these delegates necessary? Is this what they mean by the electoral college? If I vote for example, for Obama, but then vote for delegates for Richardson or even Clinton, am I throwing away or canceling out my vote? If I don't vote for my candidate, but only vote for his or her delegates, does that somehow not count? And finally, should I vote to send Ellen O. Moyer to the convention or to stay here? That's the tough one.(Oh you must have figured it out by now, CP is a registered "D"...darn, I was trying to be secretive about that.)

Oh, why did I say "finally" when I failed to mention perpetual "also ran and lost again" candidate John Rea who is now taking on Congressman John Sarbanes? If you read his quotes and pronouncements enough, you'll find that the main reasons he says we should vote for him are because he is an experienced and aggressive campaigner. For example, The Washington Post recently asked Rea "Why should voters elect you?" and he said, "I have local experience. I ran for City Council and County Council and federal office."

Well that's for sure, but gee whiz John, when will we morons finally get your message and actually vote for you? In the meantime, can we call you the Robin Ficker of Anne Arundel County? CP hopes you continue to run and run and run based on your a campaigner. Even though he is a printing salesman, has anyone ever seen his literature? His web-site? Go John go. Go John go. Go John go. I mean John Sarbanes of course. (Maybe he should run as a delegate? A committed one. Or he should just be committed! I gotta go to the John...)

I agree: what is up with this Democratic sample ballot? In an attempt to actually find information about what these "delegates" believe or support online, there is nothing. How can we elect officials who we don't even know? How do I know that if I vote for Jen Terrasa (Obama), that she will actually vote that way; and what does it mean anyhow?

It seems like a sloppy way to do things and to leave constituents in the dark as to how things really work and the true extent of our vote.


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