Mayor Moyer Pledges Support to Bike/Pedestrian Advocates ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mayor Moyer Pledges Support to Bike/Pedestrian Advocates

Annapolis Mayor Ellen Moyer addressed the annual gathering of statewide walking and bicycling advocates sponsored by One Less Car ( at the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis today. Moyer spoke just after Transportation John Porcari and focused her talk on the challenges and opportunities for improving non-automotive transportation in Annapolis. Moyer admitted there is a lot to be done, but she also counted off many of the positives already in place such as bikes lanes, trails and a map. CP and other local bike activists who are working with the mayor to improve bicycling accessibility were also in attendance.


Anonymous said...

The mayor, once again, needs to put her words into action. Several changes around town make it more difficult for cyclists. For example, what is the purpose of the new sidewalk augmentations on Bay Ridge at the corner with Burnside (by former Rainbow Cleaners)? They are unmarked and useless--but pose a huge hazard to cyclists, either forcing them out into vehicular traffic, or--if they don't see it coming--causing a bike wreck.

Paul Foer said...

Dear Anonymous: You sure posted that one quickly. Why don't you identify yourself? Instead you choose to attack and blame the mayor, whose identify and actions are well known to everyone, yet you do it anonymously. Why? This is terribly unfair.
First of all, give the mayor credit please. She is clearly admitting much needs to be done, but she is not responsible for the many challenges that make Annapolis unfriendly to bikes. She is working to correct this situation. She even appointed CP to her committee and it's clear as daylight that I am among her most vocal critics.
As for your specific complaint, I'll look into it, but did you mean Chesapeake or Bay Ridge at Burnside? And please identify yourself, as I have said before , I'll say again--we are not a police state---yet. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Annapolis' traffic flow problems make it an ideal candidate for smokeless travel alternatives. The positives--bike lanes-- are not all that positives when you can't really go anywhere on them as they just ....sort off.... stop.

No one in Annapolis will care enough until activist become a critical mass.

Speaking of critical mass....

Paul Foer said...

Dear Ordinary Schmoe:
Okay! Now you're talking, but hey--what's up with the moniker? Why can't you tell us who you are? So- got any good deals on a nice new Specialized this week? CP

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