Eastport's Most Recent Shooting.....and we are hosting a town crier convention? ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Eastport's Most Recent Shooting.....and we are hosting a town crier convention?

Three in the afternoon. The middle of the day. The same place where most shootings occur. A fifteen-year old shoots another teenager. He says he found the gun (???). He says the victim held him up at gunpoint recently.

City Council calls for a curfew. This happened in the middle of the day. The issue is poverty, despair and the ongoing festering wound of public housing. And the issue is the easy availability of guns and the gun-loving culture we are perpetuating.

A curfew won't help. Bold pronouncements won't help. Beating around the bushes won't help. We need to totally transform if not eliminate public housing and redirect energy toward building our community and getting rids of guns, guns and more gun.

One of my sons goes to Annapolis High School and I believe the two youths attend that school--or re supposed to attend that school. My other son saw the shooting scene minutes after it happened on the way home from Annapolis Middle School. There seems to be more regular police presence at their schools than there is at public housing.

Do you remember the scene in the beginning of the movie "Grand Canyon" with Kevin Kline and Danny Glover? Go rent that film and watch it.


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