What The Hell Is Going On? ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Saturday, June 7, 2008

What The Hell Is Going On?

We are on the cusp of potentially electing our first black president who is calling for a change in America and we now have to deal with death threats to graduates? As my son would say, "WTF?"

In this morning's Capital, it was reported theat Tahzay Brown--the student who was shot in the mall a few years ago received a death threat if he walked across the stage at the Annapolis Senior High School graduation ceremony.

Erring to the side of caution, the Administration prevented him from attending. While I am all for the protection of EVERY citizen, why did we allow the bad guys to win. What about metal detectors and increased security at the ceremony? The threat was apparently about him being publicly graduated and that could have (and should have) been handled. If it was about graduation in concept, why is the Administration going to the additional expense of a "private" ceremony?

I can see the conflict, but it also shows that we have such a long long way to go.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad....really sad when our world has come to this. They need to do something to handle the drug issue. Maybe spend themoney on a police force that will sit in the project armed and ready to respond to crimes....meanwile the maypor is owrried about saving trees she is letting the citizens be killed off

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