Are You A Born Fighter? ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Are You A Born Fighter?

I am not from a privileged background. I attended public schools (not in Annapolis) and went to college at one of the most inner city colleges in the country --Temple. I can honestly say that I have never been in a fight.

I am non-confrontational by nature and I think most humans are as well. I have broken up a few fights in my bartending days, but never been in a fight. Violence was just not a part of my psyche. When I see headlines like this:

Teens Charged in Brutal Edgewater Robbery

I need to ask what the hell happened? Are the parents falling that far behind in human decency that they allow this to happen? A 15 year old girl and an 18 year old man beating up another human at 3am in a parking lot!


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