Good Morning... ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Good Morning...

It's a beautiful summer weekend in Annapolis. Last night CP enjoyed a neighborhood block party with food, friends and conversation along with our public servants from the Annapolis Fire Department, their German Shepherd bomb sniffing dog and a red fire truck for the little ones. Many thanks to D and A the host and hostess. Terrific!

What to do this weekend? Go to the Saturday Farmers Market at Riva Road or the new Sunday one in downtown. Hit some Garage Sales. Ride your bike. Enjoy the wine festival at the fairgrounds. Enjoy the free concert Saturday night at Quiet Waters. Please don't use any noisy, stinky outdoor lawn and garden tools. Enjoy locally produced food in your backyard or on the patio. Think Globally. Shop and eat locally. Meet a neighbor for coffee....or better yet-- fresh juice made from local apples.

(And who says this blog is negative???)

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