More Immigration Raid Criticism ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, July 11, 2008

More Immigration Raid Criticism

I know this may seem a contrary opinion to a few entries the other day, but no one denies that being a cop is a tough job. It has its dangers.

When you are pulled over, take a look at how the cop approaches your car. Usually with his hand on his weapon until he is assured of his safety. Tinted windows, the hand stays on a little longer. And it does not matter if you are a thug or a granny.

A traffic stop is out in the open and as any episode of Cops will show you, anything can (and does) happen. But here in Annapolis, there are complaints that the police had weapons drawn when they raided several homes of illegal immigrants.

OK, they are going in hopefully as a surprise, but not guaranteed, through a door that is solid, to arrest people that have broken the law by their very existence in the country. If you read any of the police reports, the illegal alien community is certainly no stranger to minor crimes, theft, drugs, driving without licenses, failure to register vehicles, etc. SO why wouldn't a cop be suspicious?

Are they expected to just knock politely and take whatever is coming to them? What would have happened if instead of a half naked guy in the shower they were met with a shower of bullets from an illegal AK-47?

Guns were drawn--not blazing. Emotions and adrenaline runs high. These guys are doing their jobs--cut them a freaking break!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree---the cops have to do what the cops have to do to protect their azzes. You never know what is happening behond closed doors!

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