Seen at Duke of Gloucester and the Drawbridge This Morning ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Seen at Duke of Gloucester and the Drawbridge This Morning

A lone woman out running stops at the foot of the bridge to cross two-lane DOG street to continue running downtown. A car nearly runs her down in the crosswalk (which is a pretty wacky crosswalk and when CP told the city's traffic engineer about how to improve it, he was shrugged off). She turns to tell the driver she has to stop for her. The driver says "F&&^" You. I stop to tell the runner she did the right thing and has every right to do what she does.

A sign of the time? Yes. More and more people running red lights. Stop signs. Talking on the cell phone while driving. Applying makeup. Eating. Picking their nose. Whatever. Anything but driving and respecting the rights of others to drive safely AND TO WALK and RIDE OUR BIKES. I will say it again--the number one threat to public safety in Annapolis comes from vehicles!!!!!


Whosywhatsit said...

There's a crosswalk at the intersection of Duke of Gloucester and Compromise? Where?

Paul Foer said...

Not exactly. There are curbcuts but they are in the wrong place. There is a line on DOG st so one can supposedly cut across the bottom but there is NO crosswalk to cross Compromise. Thanks for the note... whosywhatsit???

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