The Body of Chris Has Risen! ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Body of Chris Has Risen!

Chris Body of Annapolis began his harangue in a recent letter to the local newspaper about taxes and more taxes by writing the following:


Mr. Body ended his series of questions about taxes, hard work, communism and greed by saying to readers, "You Tell Me."

Okay, Mr. Body I'll tell you.

The first thing I have to ask, aside from the rest of the letter, is why do you seem to hate so many Americans? Since you apparently read at least one newspaper, do you think that the people who produce the news really don't work an honest day? The fact that you are even able to read and write means you probably spent at least some time in academia and some of those teachers might even be Democrats.

I am not sure what you mean by "others" but by Democrats, I suspect you mean the estimated 40 to 70 million of Americans who are registered as such. None of them work an honest day? In all likelihood, some of the many of millions of Democrats, academicians and others who are throwing you under some sort of bus, might even be among those driving that bus. Those buses, as well as the road upon which they drive, and the rest of the infrastructure upon which they depend, might have been built by Democrats, some of whom might actually have studied engineering, industrial design or been otherwise trained by.....academicians! Perhaps you will be more careful to see that the bus under which you are thrown next time (and the wheels and the roads) are certified "Democratic and Academician and Others Free".

I will tell you Mr. Body, that CP's mother and father (a WW2 Navy vet) were lifelong Democrats who worked honestly and worked hard, started and ran a business, paid many employees, paid their own bills, and sent their children to college so we could get "tainted" by academicians.

Your opening statement reeks of a certain kind of anti-intellectualism and disgust for so many Americans that we have come to expect from some this election season. Perhaps next time you want to make a statement about taxes, honest work, and greed, you will refrain from attacking and questioning the ethics, contributions and honesty of hundreds of millions of Americans.

Mr. Body lives in one of our area's most desirable neighborhoods, and is an executive in a company whose well known, frequently-used and widespread products have quite possibly made him comfortable, if not wealthy. This company sells almost exclusively through what appear to be fairly large government and quasi-government contracts that are often if not always made possible through taxes or government constructs. From his letter, one can assume that he is philosophically opposed to big government and big taxes however.

Are we to assume that there are no Democrats among the high tech engineers in his company and that none of them possess any degrees from academia? Are we to assume that he has not benefited from the generosity of taxpayers and elected officials who supported the projects that have enriched him? Might some of them even be Democrats? His corporation's web-site even makes reference to an academic study supporting related business concepts--from Harvard no less!!! From their Kennedy School of Government no less!!!! That's about as academic as we can get.

Yes. Let us talk about working an honest day indeed.

Mr. Body also sells political merchandise (internet information suggests that he owns the company) that made a contribution to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. That company's web-site says:

"Welcome to NoBama '08 HQ.
Visionary Leader? Naw, just another pinko commie socialist.
The most merciful lord messiah Barack Obama hath spoken. "Send your tax dollars forth to Washington for only I hath the knowledge to run your life..."

Here are some samples of the items he sells:

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Will Small said...

Well researched and written Paul.

It's funny how often the big picture is overlooked when someone has a personal view. It's nice to see a journalist respond so thoroughly to a letter to the editor, which usually are statements that do not receive substantial reply.

Paul Foer said...

Here is a fellow (who I have never met and would not even know if I did) who is living his version of the American Dream and hating--really hating so many of his fellow Americans--including Obama, who is truly living the American Dream. He demonizes Obama--a builder, equates him with Osama--a destroyer with a "funny" twist about BS. This man also makes his living--and presumably a nice one because of government projects and taxes--and then he slams government for doing that. CP cannot tolerate BS from any corner of the ring or from the floor.

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