Annapolis! A "Potemkin Village"....Shots Across the Bow! ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Annapolis! A "Potemkin Village"....Shots Across the Bow!

CP had to look Potemkin Village up too! It's not about the Russian Battleship Potemkin (you can look that up too), but the expression was used by Craig Purcell, the leader of a group of architects who claims our precious historic character is threatened. According to our local paper,"The group has petitioned the National Trust for Historic Preservation to put the city of Annapolis on its annual 11 Endangered Historic Places list."

As might be expected, Mayor Moyer reacted harshly, calling the petition:

" 'extremely detrimental to all residents' and said Mr. Purcell's main objective is getting retribution in his personal vendettas stemming from the Market Street dispute and his time as president of the Ward One Residents Association.

'If he wanted to make a difference, he can file a formal complaint with the (city's Historic Preservation Commission),"' Ms. Moyer said. 'Filing this kind of frivolous petition all because you're irritated with a few people hurts all the citizens of Annapolis.' "

Mayor Moyer may very well have a point, but isn't she the queen of personal vendettas? Has Purcell filed a formal complaint? Purcell is a bright and caustic critic of just about anyone who does not agree with him a hundred percent--like the mayor. Those two make CP seem like a smiley-button wearing, Dale Carnegie graduate, milquetoast. Purcell has taken CP to task, often in concert with downtown resident and Moyer contractor Chuck Weikel, because I dared to call into question some of their assumptions about their ferry service concepts and because I refused to turn this blog into a mouthpiece for all of their personal concerns. (Hey guys-it can't be about mine AND yours...)

On the other could be another example of a dedicated and persistent civic activist who has become frustrated with our local politics or government. Many of us relate to that, but if ever there were a local story with two sides to it, this is it.

As the local paper reports, this stems from an ongoing dispute--and now lawsuit, over the use of fiberglass instead of wood porch columns on a porch belonging to two equally active and public-minded residents. I wrote about this, and though basically sympathetic to Purcell's concern, he wanted me to keep on writing about it, and browbeat me when I refused to do his bidding. I then started receiving unwanted emails and I politely asked Purcell to stop. He refused after many emails and many requests, but finally relented.

The integrity of our Historic District is important--darn important and Purcell yells about it because he cares, but he sure loves a good fight. He's got one now. Meanwhile, would you like your columns paper or plastic? (At least this column is 100% real...)

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