Scott Bowling on Our City Attorney Fiasco ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Scott Bowling on Our City Attorney Fiasco

CP Note: The following is a guest editorial from local activist and former aldermanic candidate Scott Bowling. CP thanks Mr Bowling for his contribution :

Is this disturbing to anyone other than me? Why do we Annapolitans continue to allow such inappropriate actions by our leaders; quickly dismissing them as oh well, it's just Ellen, and next year she will be gone and we will have a new Administration (which may or may not be any better).

What a message we are illustrating to municipalities throughout the State and our precious sister cities around the world. Look at us; we are Annapolis, MD, your Capital City, your sister City in the United States. Our City Attorney and chief legal counsel is not legally permitted to practice law, but continues to do so, on our behalf because he is our friend, a nice guy, and makes very generous campaign contributions. Yes, he lacks proper certification and credentials from the MD Bar Association, but he will take care of that in a timely manner when exposed. Our supposed City Administrator and Director of Public Works is allowed to do hold two jobs within our City even though he does not have an engineering degree, which is a requirement (per the Charter) for being the Director of Public Works, but he is a really nice guy, and a friend of our Mayor's. We appear to support nepotism within the Finance Department, but oh shucks, doesn’t every government, and most recently, we have a $1 Million lawsuit for discrimination within the Department of Economic Affairs, oh well, what’s one more lawsuit to add to our growing tally.

Why do we the people of Annapolis continue to allow this? Why do we not demand better? Are we this apathetic?

For a Mayor who is so opposed to the idea of a Council/City Manager form of Government, her actions speak louder and louder every day as to why this change may be Annapolis' last and only hope for professional management and leadership.

Stand up folks and demand better, or we just might lose this precious city we call home, forever.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Bowling, Annapolis

CP NOTE: According to official city sources, Acting City Attorney Steve Kling has been re-certified to practice law, but it is not known if there will be any repercussions or disciplinary action. As for City Administrator Bob Agee, I have been told he is receiving the city administrator's salary and not that of public works director. Why Mayor Moyer does not hire a real public works director is a good question. It is well known that Mr. Agee is not a licensed engineer, and I believe there is or was legislation to rescind that requirement. However, as long as there are other qualified PE's an an official city engineer in DPW, it may not be necessary that the director be a PE. You speak of nepotism in the finance dep't. Can you be more specific?

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John said...

I agree. When these people were selected, where was the vetting process? I guess it is a good thing the Mayor is not in charge of the hospital.

Anonymous said...

nepotism in Finance department could be Tim Elliott's wife getting a $20 an hour job in Economic Development even though she can't use a computer. Tim Elliott's daughter got a job as a grants writer without ever writing a grant. Her best friend also got a city job.
City has a "family and friends" plan when it comes to hiring. Moyer friend Molly Hoenkle worked there and then got a job for her brother in IT. IT also had to buy a laptop computer and expensive digital camera for Moyer's boyfriend to use since he is her personal assistant. Then there's Chuck Weikel. Take Chuck Weikel--please. He's been on and off the payroll, being paid to do the Annapolis 300 and be pitbull in chief opposing the City Manager.
Nepotism? Cronyism? Which is worse?

Paul Foer said...

You're up early on New Year's Day. I have been aware of most of it but you have an insider's ability to provide good details and facts. The Weikel story is not going unnoticed--keep posted. If you wish to tell me more, I will protect your anonymity. Contact me directly so I can go further with this piece but without you identifying yourself to me, not much is going to happen. Thanks.

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