Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon...Thank Goodness Our Mayor is Beyond Reproach ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, January 9, 2009

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon...Thank Goodness Our Mayor is Beyond Reproach

At least in her own head.....If big city mayors can get in trouble, so can small city mayors.. While incompetence, and nastiness are not crimes and dereliction of duties may or may not be actionable, and perhaps hiring a disbarred city attorney who gave money to your campaign funds may not be criminal, what about hiring cronies at taxpayer expense to do your own political bidding for legislation before the deliberative body you chair???

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Anonymous said...

Having read the charges against Sheila reminds me off Capone going down with tax evasion. I hope there is more to it. Ellen would call her an amateur.

Burren47 said...

The last comment gave Moyer WAY too much credit. If Ellie-poo's administration was merely corrupt, I would at least be impressed by their ingenuity and commitment. Unfortunately, her administration,which is built on blatant cronyism and elitistism, is utterly inept and incompetent. To taxpayers are, during a budget crunch, forking over $10, 000 PER MONTH to rent a cooling unit for the Market House which now has exactly two vendors. The Mayor hired one of her pals, paying him a six-figure salary to make that happen. The worst part...the WORST part, is that there has never been one iota of accountability on the part of City Hall to step us and say, "Yeah, we screwed up, but here's what we're going to do to rectify the situation." Nope. They leave the Market House situation hanging and move on to establishing an Arts District on West Street. A project that has stalled, by the way. I swear to three-year old daughter has more focus than these nimrods.

Paul Foer said...

Burren Well you are never one to mince words. I still would like to see you identify yourself, but the mayor is a public figure and deserves serious scrutiny...But, can we hear something positive sometime? A suggestion about how to solve a problem or address a concern? Can you write in favor of a proposal, perhaps the city manager amendment? I mean we all know the Market House debacle. I've written about the jobs she gives to friends as well as her apparent inability to ever admit a mistake and fix something. No doubt about it--things will only get much weirder this year. And I know you'll be watching....Take care of that focused three-year old...

Anonymous said...


Here is something positive we can say about our Mayor, Ellen Moyer and her administration; in less than one year, they will be out of office.

Paul Foer said...

and ditto for Bush in one week....and let's also be thankful we got Obama instead of McPalin and Kratovil instead of Harris...and Franken instead of when aer you going to switch back to being a D???

Anonymous said...

I think the title of the article is enough reason not to switch back to being a Dem. Dems are on a run right now. The Mayor of Detroit is in jail, the Governor of Illinois is on his way, and now the Mayor of Baltimore.

Paul Foer said...

Hey I have written plenty about corruption and scandal from both parties, nationally and in this state too. If we lump them together as "politicians" that may be closer to the truth than to label them as D's or R's. I just prefer the Democrat's form of welfare over the Republican's form of welfare.

Anonymous said...

I get a kick out of Blag saying his impeachment was politically motivated. Every member of his own party, save one, voted for his impeachment in the State Legislature. Dixon blames her problems on a Republican prosecutor. It looks like we really need a Republican prosecutor in Annapolis to follow Moyer around. Unfortunately, even an unbiased local newspaper might be enough.

Paul Foer said...

Where, pray tell, my good soul, is this unbiased newspaper of which thou speaketh??? I get a kick out of any politician saying anything is politically motivated!!! It's like saying a person eats because he is nutritionally motivated or goes to work because he is financially motivated...or a football player being touchdown motivated...or a gambler being winning motivated...I could go on and on but of course going after "Blag" is politically motivated--people and politicians want him out of politics...politicians blaming things on politics is the last resort of scoundrels....which is why some if not many of these people get into politics...and which is why most of them get into trouble...because they are scoundrels....Remember to always turn to plausible denial...this is one time when government wiretapping is a good thing...which make me think of another silly thing...when they talk about bipartisanship and reaching across the aisle....if they were interested in bipartisanship, they would not be partisans--right????

Anonymous said...

Sheila Dixon is slated to be the keynote speaker at the local MLK dinner, which seems pretty inappropriate to me given that she's been indicted for corruption.

Paul Foer said...

Dixon has been indicted, but of course she is innocent until proven guilty. She could perhaps take the high road and bow out, maybe even make up an excuse. She could be dis-invited, but again, she has not been convicted. Perhaps she is innocent. I have enough work trying to figure out Annapolis stuff and our mayor.

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