Alderman Paone is Critical Swing Vote on Monday's CIty Manager Amendment ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Alderman Paone is Critical Swing Vote on Monday's CIty Manager Amendment

We've been writing about this issue since we started publishing two years ago and it has gained momentum and it all comes to a head on Monday night. The vote seems to be 4-4-1 which means that Alderman Fred Paone of the Second Ward (West Annapolis, Wardour, Admiral Heights, Homewood, Clay Street) will be the decisive factor--at least until a full-scale referendum kicks in. That is the likely next step if the vote fails, and it will mean a lot of work and effort to take place fairly quickly. In such a case, the vote will come in the fall at the same time as the election for mayor.

So here is my pitch. If you believe we need professional city management--and two separate polls at this blog have shown 80% favor this, tell Alderman Paone. Send him an email or call him, but it's his vote that will make the difference. Think about it--he was not even an alderman a year or so ago and here he is the crucial swing vote--and he seems to be relishing his role because he has not made his sentiments public. If you live in his ward, please let him know how you feel. If you don't live in his ward, let him know who is your alderman and PLEASE call your alderman regardless--but especially if your alderman is Classie Hoyle, Sheila Finlayson, or Dave Cordle. I would not bother calling the mayor--unless you just want to get in a fight. She has done everything in her power (yes power that we have given her AND power that she misuses and does not deserve to fight this amendment).Yeah, maybe you should call her. And call Sam, Julie, Ross and Dick and thank them and encourage them!!! Do it today.To see the ward map, click here at wardmap .

Frederick M. Paone (R)
47 Williams Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401
443-223-8769 (c)
410-267-7604 (h)
and the rest....
Mayor Ellen O. Moyer (D) 35 Eastern Avenue
P.O. Box 3172
Annapolis, MD 21403
410-269-6828 (h)
410-263-7997 (w)

One Alderman
Richard E. Israel (D)
61 Shaw Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-263-5607 (day)

Three Alderwoman
Classie Gillis Hoyle (D)
2089 Forest Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401
443-949-7755 (day)

Four Alderwoman
Sheila M. Finlayson (D)
131 Brightwater Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-626-0071 (day)
Five Alderman
David H. Cordle, Sr. (R)
421 Fox Hollow Lane
Annapolis, MD 21403
410-267-9600 (day)

Six Alderman
Julie Stankivic (R)
906 Primrose Road # 204
Annapolis, MD 21403
443-370-5465 (day)
410-268-2710 (h)

Seven Alderman
Samuel Shropshire (D)
9 Silverwood Circle #3
Annapolis, MD 21403
410-570-7053 (day)

Eight Alderman
Ross H. Arnett, III (D)
529 Sixth Street
Annapolis, MD 21403
410-295-7531 (day)
410-295-9743 (h)

And finally, if it does go to referendum, we'll need your help! Stay tuned.....please send my regards to Fred when you call him. He is a good and thoughtful public servant and while he may not appreciate that I am encouraging you to call him--well, just consider that why else would he be keeping his intended vote a secret????

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