County Councilman Cohen Will Run For Mayor ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, February 12, 2009

County Councilman Cohen Will Run For Mayor

....he's just not quite ready to announce....but that will come late this winter or early spring. Cohen expressed these sentiments at a recent Democratic Central Comintern, I mean Committee meeting this week and confirmed with CP today.

Last year I begged to be kept in the dark about this until June or so, and here it is barely February and we have a handful of Democrats, an Independent and Republican Alderman Dave Cordle who is apparently preparing to announce soon.

What a year! Charter referendum or maybe, referenda--perhaps as early as this summer--but maybe not until the election this fall--and there are compensation recommendations...and let's see what "invisible" hands with which the mayor and her cronies may be preparing to mess around.....

P.S. (Cohen wrote this to me in September....) Seriously, it's true that several people have asked me to run in recent weeks. While I'm not ruling it out, my focus is and has been to continuing serving and to run for re-election to the County Council. Lesley and I had our second baby girl 7 weeks ago and frankly in this haze of diapers and burp cloths we're in no position to seriously consider another campaign right now.

I wonder what changed his mind?...

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Anonymous said...

Great bumper sticker idea: Josh Cohen-Moyer's third Term.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much the recommended pay increase for Mayor might have to do with Josh's interest in the position.

I may disagree with Josh on some issues, but generally he seems to be an honest guy.

Nevertheless, you need to be skeptical about someone who leaves his Aldermanic position early to run for County Council, then leaves County Council early to run for Mayor.

That strikes me as someone who's more interested in climbing the ladder, rather than fullfilling their promise to do a job. I don't think that kind of self interest makes for a good public servant.

Bob McWilliams

Paul Foer said...

Well Bob, you disagree with most people on some issues--even many issues...especially if they are anywhere to the left of Attila the Hun. However, your questions and concerns are being raised by others and will likely continue to be raised.

Paul Foer said...

Regarding the bumper sticker, if it's such a great idea why don't you make them up and start selling them? Hey--you could even advertise them here!

Paul Foer said...

More like "Fault".

Anonymous said...

Attila the Hun?

You need to get around the country a bit more Paul. I think you're a little confused about where the center lies.

Bob McWilliams

Paul Foer said...

Like I said, Attila The Hun. If you do;t know who he was, watch that silly Ben Stiller movie about the Museum. Where it "lies"...indeed. I've been to most of the lower 48 states so yes, I'll need to poll the folks in North Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas and learn where it "lies." Yeah. I need to get out more. But then, what would you read?

ellis said...


Anonymous said...

Josh will be the next Mayor of Annapolis. You heard it hear first.

Paul Foer said...

Right. We all heard it "hear" first....

Anonymous said...


Paul Foer said...

To the anonymous troll whoeth doth calleth me a pedant. You sir, are a boorish scoundrel! I hereby turn your fetid attention to Wikipedia (I can't figure out why someone who sends anonymous comments with bad spelling and poor grammar would think it's wrong to be corrected...maybe he can't spell his own name?:

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Sister project Look up pedant in
Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

A pedant is a person who is overly concerned with formalism and precision, or who 'makes a show of learning'. The corresponding (archaic) female noun is pedantess.

* 1 Etymology
* 2 Negative connotation
* 3 Usage of term
* 4 Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
* 5 Quotations
* 6 References

[edit] Etymology

The English language word "pedant" comes from the French pédant (used in 1566 in Darme & Hatzfeldster's Dictionnaire général de la langue française) or its older mid-15th Century Italian source pedante, "teacher, schoolmaster". (Compare the Spanish pedante.) The origin of the Italian pedante is uncertain, but multiple dictionaries suggest that it was contracted from the mediaeval Latin pædagogans, present participle of pædagogare, "to act as pedagogue, to teach" (Du Cange).[1] The Latin word is derived from Greek παιδαγογός, παιδ- "child" + ἀγειν "to lead", which originally referred to a slave who led children to and from school but later meant "a source of instruction or guidance".[2][3]

[edit] Negative connotation

The term in English is typically used with a negative connotation, indicating someone overly concerned with minutiae and whose tone is perceived as condescending. When it was first used by Shakespeare in Love's Labour's Lost (1588), it simply meant "teacher". Shortly afterward it began to be used negatively. Thomas Nashe wrote in Have with you to Saffron-walden (1596), page 43: "O, tis a precious apothegmaticall [terse] Pedant, who will finde matter inough to dilate a whole daye of the first inuention [invention] of Fy, fa, fum".

[edit] Usage of term

Being referred to as a pedant, or pedantic, is generally considered insulting.[4] However some people take pride in being a pedant, especially with regard to the use of the English language. On internet forums these individuals are known as "grammar trolls".

Pedantry can also be an indication of certain developmental disorders. In particular those with high-functioning autism, often have behaviour characterized by pedantic speech.[5] Those with Asperger's tend to obsess over the minutiae of subjects and are prone to giving long detailed expositions, and the related corrections, and may gravitate to careers in academia or science where such obsessive attention to detail is often functional and rewarded.

[edit] Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is also in part characterized by a form of pedantry that is overly concerned with the correct following of rules, procedures and practices.[6] Sometimes the rules that OCPD sufferers obsessively follow are of their own devising, or are corruptions or re-interpretations of the letter of actual rules.

[edit] Quotations
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* "A Man who has been brought up among Books, and is able to talk of nothing else, is what we call a Pedant. But, methinks, we should enlarge the Title, and give it to every one that does not know how to think out of his Profession and particular way of Life."—Joseph Addison, Spectator 1711. [1]
* "Nothing is as peevish and pedantic as men's judgments of one another."—Desiderius Erasmus [2]
* "The pedant is he who finds it impossible to read criticism of himself without immediately reaching for his pen and replying to the effect that the accusation is a gross insult to his person. He is, in effect, a man unable to laugh at himself."—Sigmund Freud, The Ego and the Id.
* "Servile and impertinent, shallow and pedantic, a bigot and sot"—Thomas Macaulay, describing James Boswell
* "The term, then, is obviously a relative one: my pedantry is your scholarship, his reasonable accuracy, her irreducible minimum of education and someone else’s ignorance."—H. W. Fowler, Modern English Usage
* "Pedantic, I?"—Alexei Sayle
* "The only other thing is that I am a pendant when it comes to written English and I would like to proof-read anything that can viewed outside the company." - Garty Vicksters
* "If you're the kind of person who insists on this or that 'correct' use... abandon your pedantry as I did mine. Dive into the open flowing waters and leave the stagnant canals be... Above all, let there be pleasure!"—Stephen Fry

Anonymous said...

Great! Josh will be great!

Paul Foer said...

Okay. We get your point. And a chicken in every pot.

Anonymous said...

Josh will only do it if the money and power come with the job. That big salary bump was meant for him and his growing family. Defeat that and put city manager to referendum and see if Josh is still interested. If so, I want the bumper sticker. Cohen is Moyer's legacy, the last hope for her stragglers to hang on the gravy train.

Anonymous said...

OK if you wish


Paul Foer said...

I'd like to ride that gravy train! Is he going to advertise here??

Anonymous said...

Probably the most damning problem with Cohen is how he moved out of Eastport shortly after winning a County position. I guess even he thought very poorly of the job he did representing Eastport in the city government.

Paul Foer said...

About as poorly as you think of your job representing your opinion....r or Ms Anonymous. I am already getting tired of all this anonymous @$@%#&@@ about this and that....I think I may employ the iron arm of......not publishing such stuff!

EastportPaul said...


Get off the anti-Anonymous bandwagon.

It is easier to use A and quite difficult to use an identity. I have a Google account, and it was pretty hard for me.

A is easier.

If you want to require an ID, you'll need a better Blogspot, or a smaller comment group.


Paul Foer said...

Well, I am not on any kind of a bandwagon. I write a blog and have my name and reputation attached to it every day. Last time I checked, the First Amendment was still in force.

The only bandwagon is that of people who write in anonymously.

It is not that hard to sign in with a real identity or get a Google Account. Heck--I figured it out and even figure out how to set up a blog--as have millions of others.

Anyhow, you can still sign your name to a comment even if it registers as anonymous. You sign yours as "Paul" although you may as well be anonymous, because there are at least a few Pauls in Eastport and you might even be a Fred, Frank or even Frieda or Fannie as far as we know.

I can use all kinds of help researching, reporting, investigating and otherwise improving this blog and if you have services and are willing to help, let me know. But keep this in mind- I do this as a public service--for free!And for you! And even so, I get all kinds of people writing to tell me what to do differently or to attack me--and anonymously.

I have many reasons to disdain anonymity. In some cases, some people may have some legitimate reasons for remaining anonymous. I will protect any anonymous source willing to identify him or herself to me. As I said, you can still sign your name--your real and full name to any comment--whether registered or not. And for your information, of the hundreds of comments I have received, I have only refused to publish a handful--and I even publish those that are critical of me, providing they are not defamatory or insulting. But wait and see--somebody will complain about this comment!! If you like what you read here--help me out!

Anonymous said...

Why would the voters want a guy to be Mayor who quits his City Council term at mid tern, is prepared to quit his County Council at mid term, only wants to be Mayor if the power and money are to his liking, and has little or no management experience? Oh, well, he is an awfully nice guy..

Paul Foer said...

I don't know. Why would we elect Cohen? You tell us. I think you raise excellent questions--in fact, you can write a guest editorial about it--with your name--and I'll likely publish it, but I am getting tired of all these anonymous comments and think they are really unfair to me, all our readers, to the whole political process and to Josh Cohen or whoever else may be the intended target. Consider how people who run for and get elected to public office put their names, reputations end entire being on the line every day as do I with this blog, yet anonymous writers think they deserve--even demand that I give them this forum to carry out their (your)dirty work. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Anonymous said...

The reason you don't like anonymous posters is because you are forced to respond to the message and not attack the messenger.

Paul Foer said...

No, it's because I end up getting inane comments by cowards such as you who believe they have a right--yes and demand the right to make me publish whatever they want to say ON MY BLOG!!! And the reason you like anonymity is because....?????

(That's another nail in the coffin...)

Again, perhaps I should charge per comment? Do you give something for nothing?

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