I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick... ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, February 27, 2009

I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick...

The AP and Baltimore Sun report that a Baltimore County couple has been convicted in the starvation death of their two year old son.

According to reports, "John Griffin testified Tuesday that he was too busy with his job to notice anything was wrong with his son."

The mother said, "It's not my fault he's skinny."

Police officers said the Griffins called them a "bunch of gorillas."

I guess Griffin was so busy working to earn a living to put food on the table that he actually forgot to put food on the table. Maybe he'll get fattened up and nice and pasty in prison on all that yummy, high-carb food, if he can remember to feed himself.

I can just imagine the conversation in the prison shower. "So, what are you in for big fella....?"

The Griffins have other children.

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