The SUN Continues to Set ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The SUN Continues to Set

It's painful to watch a once-great newspaper fall by the wayside but we are witnessing the setting of The Sun. I've written about it before but it has gotten worse. Although it is supposedly leaving some staff in Annapolis, many of its satellite offices are moving back to the HQ in Baltimore. Of course, after the General Assembly ends, the Annapolis office may close as well--or become seasonal. The Sun keeps losing reporters and shifting them around and now Annapolis area readers are stuck with but a rehashing of what was once news via Tyeesha Dixon. Why they even pay this person is a mystery. I say what was news because all the reporter seems to do is re-write news releases and previously published articles, and not just a day later, but sometimes as much as three or four days after the story was published.

All these stories were published today in The Sun but were published here and elsewhere--many days ago:

These are not news stories, but "olds". What a shame. The ever-shrinking news hole. We all suffer.

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