Ellen "O" On Civil Discourse and A History Lesson ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ellen "O" On Civil Discourse and A History Lesson

See and hear Ellen "O" admonish her critics and lecture those of us who question her heavy-handed, arrogant and haughty manners, not to mention raise doubts about the activities of her administration. She says that anything in opposition to her is slander and libel.

It begins at 6:28 of this video of her recent State of The City Speech. CP was there, acting in a civil manner no less, and even clapped at the end, out of respect for the mayor and for the office, though you may not see me doing so due to the camera angle. However, you will note at the end that two aldermen shuffled papers and neither looked up, smiled or applauded. (If the video does not load, please go to www.annapolis.gov and click on Part 4.)

Ellen "O"'s words are nothing but an outrageous attack on freedom of the press, and as we have come to see repeatedly, she disregards anyone who questions her administration as merely trying to defame her. Based on what little I know of Lord Baltimore, I have learned that at the time he proposed such a law in 1651, he must have felt rather insecure about his position. The Puritans had won the English Civil War and King Charles I was beheaded. Those who did not believe in their constrained religious and political views would not be tolerated. As a Roman Catholic proprietor of a colony that allowed Roman Catholics to practice their religion freely--the only place such liberty was extended in the English-speaking world--Cecil Calvert and his Maryland colonists were in big trouble. Complicating matters was the settlement on the Severn River, where Lord Baltimore had recently welcomed 300 Puritans under order of expulsion from Virginia and they worried Lord Baltimore as well. That's why he had the General Assembly pass the Religious Toleration Act in 1649 (tolerating only Christian religions by the way) and that's why he tried to ban civic discord in 1651--which is about what Ellen "O" was speaking.

As we all know, bullies, corporations, politicians, military leaders and others used to power always call for civil discourse or fair play when they are on the weakening or losing side. It did not work for Lord Baltimore--and it hasn't worked for Ellen "O". Of course we do need civility and especially during election cycles, but will Ellen "O" do everything in her power to see that it doesn't actually happen?

See the March 11 post for more details at:
Mayor Moyer on Civility...Do As I Say, Not As I Do Or Else, "Expect Sad Calamities"

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