Who is "Nuts"--Paul Foer or FOE Beth Garraway? ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who is "Nuts"--Paul Foer or FOE Beth Garraway?

(We'll get to that in a second...) First, the local newspaper's "Sources Say" has brought CP some publicity, though not too positive I might add. And of course, it once again refuses to name "Capital Punishment" , but if the local newspaper is afraid of CP, we understand. After all, the paper just reported that mayoral appointee/consultant and F.O.E. Don Lamb Minor is resigning from the city's election board. All the paper could say is "Local bloggers said the city Ethics Commission opened an investigation into whether the mayor violated city purchasing rules when she hired Lamb-Minor's firm and other outside consultants without seeking competing bids from other firms or individuals." (I don't believe anyone said there was an ethics investigation except the paper) What they really meant was. "We're too lazy or disinterested to write about such matters even though we have a well paid staff so we'll just let those unpaid local guys do the tough reporting...and not give them the credit". Well, CP and Muckraker will take any thanks we can get, thank you very much.

Now we turn to Friday's "Sources Say" column which begins with, "Perhaps local political commentator and blogger Paul Foer should wear a sign alerting passers-by of his possibly toxic chemical imbalance."...and gets worse. Read it for yourself at Who is Nuts? and then come back here for comment.

First of all, what the heck do they mean by saying that I "regularly draw the ire of city officials with long-winded tirades against perceived injustices and waste within city government." Perceived injustice and waste? Heck, as we just showed above, CP uncovers real injustices and wastes that the local paper keeps missing. They completely missed the real story about the nut trees--and I do have one in my yard by the way. I was making a jab against our tree-hugging and tree-planting mayor--who had left the room by the way (also missed by Sources...)-- to tell the true story of a mayor in Milford, CT who cut down nut trees at the request of a woman who was worried that the nuts would fall in her yard and endanger her allergic grandchildren. ( See here: Milford, CT Nut Trees)

I held up the source, a book called "Life Without Lawyers" to make the point that when local governments or any governments get too involved in the minutiae of regulation through undue fear of risk or lawsuit, we all suffer collectively and lose freedom. Therefore, the "nut tree" story was apropos to the misguided Bisphenyl issue. Yet "Sources Say" missed that story but instead focused on the inane, offensive comment of FOE Beth Garraway, who was the focus of a story here Annapolis Capital Punishment: CP Will Not Scarraway Because of ... when she libelously accused me of threatening city council-- at the same meeting!

Who is nuts? Is it the citizen who questions whether our own city council should get involved in over-regulating businesses about their perceived concerns about a possibly dangerous though widely-used chemical? Can Ellen seriously expect her personal fiefdom of DNEP to go head to head against the FDA, CDC, EPA, NIH or CPSC? Who is nuts--a citizen reminding our council not to overstep its bounds or a friend and donor to the mayor who serves as the mayor's choice to chair a committee which says we should raise the mayor's salary this year from $70,000 to $120,000 while downtown is boarded up, the Market House is empty, Citicorp has become a penny stock, and the world's economy is crumbling? You decide if our city council that collectively knows nothing about pharmacology or bio-chemistry can determine the dangers of Bisphenyl, which as I pointed out, is commonly used to coat teeth to prevent cavities in dentist's offices in this city (none of them seemed to know that). Do our alderman, who individually have sat on council for less time than the average dentist goes to school, know more about Bisphenyl than do they?

Who is nuts? Is it Paul Foer or FOE Beth Garraway and the sponsors of that silly bill?

I will not be intimidated by the mayor, or by any Friend of Ellen, including local political operative, big-time donor, fund raiser and blowhard, Dr. Julia Elizabeth Garraway! Your game is up. Yours and the mayor's game. Nuts to you.


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Unknown said...

I don't always agree with everything you say, (in fact, I don't see eye-to-eye with you a lot) but I think it's very important that we have opinionated activist bloggers like you and Muckraker as an alternative and supplement to the local media.

Thanks for standing up on the ridiculous BPA signage issue, and for pushing back against the proposed outrageous mayoral salary increase.

The local media is jealous, and they should be. While they re-arrange the deck chairs on their sinking Titanic, you and others are pioneering citizen journalism in Annapolis.

I think other locals also see the complaining from the Luddites off West Street as a sign of your and Muckraker's success. Keep stirring the pot!

Paul Foer said...

Dear Jeff:

Thanks very much for your positive and encouraging remarks--do you want to advertise? However, I am deeply disappointed to learn that you don't always agree with everything I say. I urge you to go on retreat to a secluded and private spot and rethink things. You will soon see the error of your ways.

On a more serious note and in all candor, I find it odd how many of my readers feel they must explain or apologize if they disagree with me. I fully expect and welcome disagreement. It's the extremist, overly opinionated jabberwocks who are slaves to doctrine and dogma who are cause for alarm.

I appreciate what you refer to as our "success" but I assure you even what little and almost immeasurable impact we may have on public awareness, opinion or action greatly, vastly dwarfs what we bloggers earn monetarily. How can the public remedy that and support us so we can continue to do this?
As for pioneering citizen journalism, that would require citizens, and frankly, we may see growing readership, but we don't see growing commenters, contributors or supporters.

Keep reading, writing, and yes, disagreeing and maybe even clicking on some ads.


John said...

OK OK I caved into the pressure, count me in for a dozen clicks!

Paul Foer said...

Did you say a dozen chicks?

John said...

No Paul--CLICKS! Chicks go after less toxic more chemically balanced individuals!

Paul Foer said...

that depends on the type of chicks...

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