Alderman Arnett on Monday's City Council Meeting ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Alderman Arnett on Monday's City Council Meeting

While the below is sent from Arnett to his Ward Eight constituents, I find that his comments give a good synopsis of what to expect at the next council meeting and also an explanation as to his voting intentions. My comments in RED:
The Regular Meeting (i.e., Legislative Action) of the Annapolis City Council will be held on May 11, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Council meetings are broadcast on Comcast channel 99 and Verizon channel 34.
Below is the agenda for the meeting with a brief description. I have added comments in italics and underline after some of the legislation. I indicate my likely vote with my comments, but send these email blasts out to give you a chance to let me know if you think I’m headed in the correct direction or should change my mind. It is my practice to comment only on legislation that has had a public hearing and has gone through the Council Committee process.


The Annapolis City Council will hold a work session on Monday, May 11, at 6:30 p.m., in City Council Chambers, 160 Duke of Gloucester Street, for a report by Continuity of Government given by the Office of Emergency Management.


Approval of Journal of Proceedings Regular Meeting of March 9, 2009
Reports by committees
Comments by the general public: A person appearing before the city council with a petition, report or communication shall be limited to a presentation of not more than five minutes. The time specified in this rule may be changed at any time by a majority vote. (Sec. 2.16.035, Annapolis City Code) Alderman’s note: This is your opportunity to speak up about the budget, changing the voting dates or year, and how we should proceed with the Market House now that we have it back. Here is your chance people!
CA-06-09 1st R. Municipal Elections Coinciding with County, State, and Federal [Shropshire, Hoyle] - For the purposes of establishing the primary and general elections as coinciding with the county, state, and federal elections in 2010 and extending the current term of the sitting Mayor and Aldermen and Alderwomen by one year. This is a first reader, but I feel it is entirely unnecessary to change anything other than to find new polling places for the schools we have been using but can no longer use.  Right on. It's a mess for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is timing and giving Moyer another year. Shropshire and Hoyle should be ashamed and withdraw this monster...and maybe withdraw from running for office as well after this one. What were they thinking?
O-41-08 2nd R. Display and Sale, Permitting and Standards, “Bed and Breakfast” and Other Uses Associated with Certain Size Housebarges in Marinas, and All Matters Relating Thereto [Arnett] - For the purposes of: (1) Adopting a recommendation of the Annapolis Maritime Advisory Commission to amend Title 15 so as to allow housebarges of not more than 60 feet in length to be kept in marinas for purposes of display and sale within maritime zoning districts while retaining the one month limitation for housebarges over 60 feet in length; (2) Establishing a permit procedure for housebarges so that the City has notice of their presence in marinas in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the City Code; (3) Establishing additional standards for housebarges to ensure that housebarge uses are consistent with permitted uses applicable to the zoning districts and lots where housebarges are located; (4) Amending Title 17 so as to permit housebarges to be rented, similar to bed and breakfast homes, so long as all requirements of the City Code are met; and, (5) Amending Title 15 to ban incinerating toilets on vessels while within City waters given health and safety concerns, including proper ash disposal and the proximity of attendant exhaust to nearby residential, downtown commercial, and outdoor dining areas. Travels with R-51-08 This is finally coming to a vote. I believe that we have worked our all the kinks and I will vote favor.
R-51-08 2nd R. Amending Fees Schedule for Bargehouses [Arnett] – For the purpose of establishing an annual permit fee for bargehouses kept in City waters. Travels with O-41-08. See O-41-08 above.
R-61-08 2nd R. Fiscal Deliberations During FY 2010 Budget Cycle [Cordle, Stankivic] – For the purpose of requiring all City of Annapolis department heads present testimony, supporting documentation and justification for any contractual employee and/or individual vendor to the Finance Committee during FY 2010 budget cycle deliberations. I am in general agreement with this and will vote in favor. Yes!
O-05-09 2nd R. Invasive Plants [Paone] - For the purpose of prohibiting invasive plants on lots or parcels within the City unless completely contained to control growth and prevent encroachment. I’m having some difficulty with this legislation. I know that I don’t know what are and what aren't invasive plants, and my father wrote a botany textbook. Further, I have no idea how this would be enforced or what would be the penalties for violators. I’m inclined to vote no for this in its current form. It needs a lot of study and review. This issue has a history predating Ross and our government is hesitant to enter private property--at least as far asland is concerned-or it should be. Some of these plants can really be a horrible nuisance and we need some controls, but I agree that this is unclear, but Ross-I thought your father was an expert on beetles?
O-07-09 2nd R. Compensation of Mayor and Aldermen/Alderwomen [Moyer] – For the purpose of specifying compensation and allowances to be paid to the Mayor and Aldermen/Alderwomen for the terms of office commencing on the first Monday in December, 2009. I recommended to the Finance Committee that this be postponed until after we have passed a balanced budget. If I had to vote now, it would be no for two reasons: we don’t have a balanced budget passed for 2010 and we know we will likely be facing some trouble for the 2011 budget, and If the voters pass the referendum on the Council Manager form of government, I wouldn't favor a salary as high as $120,000 for the mayor’s position. [One of the reasons I had hoped the Council would have passed the Council Manager form of government was to avoid this very unsettled situation.]  My thoughts as well.
O-09-09 2nd R. Lease of City Dock Space to Chesapeake Marine Tours [Moyer, Shropshire, Finlayson, Hoyle, Cordle, Israel] - For the purpose of authorizing for fiscal year 2015 the lease of certain municipal property located at the City Dock to Chesapeake Marine Tours, Inc., for the docking and mooring of certain boats. I favor this lease extension and will vote for its approval. These contractors hold too much sway in this city and control too much of City Dock with a virtual monopoly. They also are heavily invested in the politics of this town. Sooner or later we'll need to review this whole situation but taking this out to 2015???
O-10-09 2nd R. Lease of City Dock – Race Across America [Moyer, Shropshire, Finlayson, Hoyle, Cordle, Israel] - For the purpose of authorizing a lease of certain municipal property located in the Susan Campbell Park and City Dock areas to the Race Across America (RAAM) for the period of June 25 to June 29, 2009, subject to certain terms, provisions, and conditions. This was one of the best-run city events last year and I favor approving it again this year.
R-13-09 2nd R. Support of a Federal Carbon Tax-and-Dividend [Shropshire] - For the purpose of supporting a federal carbon tax-and-dividend program. While I am in favor of actions to protect the environment, I’m not sure this does that and I don’t see this as city business in any event. I’m told that the sponsor is going to withdraw the legislation and I hope that happens. If not, I will vote to oppose.  Right on. Another one of Mr. Shropshire's misguided attempts to play Senator or President at the expense of real local action.
R-22-09 2nd R. Amendments to Personnel Rules and Regulations – For the purpose of amending the City’s Personnel Rules and Regulations to reflect recent changes in Maryland’s Flexible Leave Act. This resolution changes city code to bring it into conformance with state law. It increases the ability for a city employee to use all forms of paid leave to attend to the illness of an immediate family member. I will vote for this change.
R-26-09 2nd R. Warren View in Acton’s Landing Park [Israel] - For the purposes of establishing “Warren View” in Acton’s Landing Park; providing for the placement of two plaques honoring Mary and Marion Warren reflecting this designation; and, eliminating the prior requirement of a sculpture’s installation. I favor giving the Warrens this honor and will vote in favor.
O-25-09 1st R. Ten-Year Water and Sewerage Plan [Cordle, Stankivic] - For the purpose of directing the Public Works Administration to establish and implement a Ten-Year Water and Sewerage Plan through the Capital Improvement Program.
R-32-09 1st R. 2009 Comprehensive Plan [Moyer] - For the purpose of adopting a new comprehensive plan for the City of Annapolis.
R-33-09 1st R. Support of the Maryland Theatre for the Performing Arts at Park Place [Moyer] - For the purpose of expressing the City of Annapolis’ support of the Maryland Theatre for the Performing Arts at Park Place.
R-33-09 1st R. Annexation of the Annapolis Golf Course [Shropshire] – For the purpose of annexing into the boundaries of the City of Annapolis the Annapolis Gold Club, owned by George and Linda Graefe, which is contiguous to the existing boundary of the City and is generally located on the southeasterly side of Carroliton Road, extending to the northeast side of Carrliton Road.
1. Appointments
2. FY2010 Community Development Block Grant funding
3. Preliminary Review – Annexation of Annapolis Golf Club
Next City Council Meetings:
Monday, May 18, 2009, City Council Chamber - 7:00 p.m.
Monday, June 8, 2009, City Council Chamber - 7:30 p.m.

As always, you can call me [410 295-9743] or send an email [] if you have questions or concerns. Your comments and views have been helpful in shaping my votes, thank you.

Ross Arnett, Alderman, Ward 8 

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