Breaking News-Two Bicyclists Injured While Leaving Bike to Work Day ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, May 15, 2009

Breaking News-Two Bicyclists Injured While Leaving Bike to Work Day

UPDATE OF INTEREST.... follow the latest comments about the below story at The Capital Online at Bicyclists hit and read the comments I have received as well

Two bicyclists were injured, one seriously, when they hit a car door that was opened as they were traveling up Main Street shortly before 9 am today. The pair had just left the Annapolis venue for the annual Bike to Work Day event which rallies support for bicycling opportunities in Maryland.

The cyclist who was most seriously injured was taken to Shock Trauma in Baltimore because his neck and head were injured although paramedics did not seem to think the injury was life threatening, and said it was more of a precautionary measure to choose Shock Trauma. The other cyclist who apparently ran into the first cyclist after he hit the door received stitches at Anne Arundel Medical Center.

The driver of the vehicle, who was exiting after parking near the top of Main Street was not injured, but his car door was damaged.

The Bike to Work Rally was proclaimed to be the largest ever held in Annapolis with about 150 people and was said to have exceeded the numbers of participants at the concurrent event in Baltimore.

(I'll prepare an editorial about this soon)

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Tom Martin said...

Where was the annapolis bike to work day promoted and published? I haven;t seen a thing anywhere. wish I rode past that yesterday am- it is normally my dialy commute but I decided to change it up a little. Maybe that was a good thing.

Paul Foer said...

I posted a piece about it a few days ago.
Call Heather McColl at ARTMA
49 Old Solomons Island Road, Suite 204, Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410-897-9340 or 410-269-RIDE
Fax: 410-897-9341

It was the biggest ever!

Big Daddy Mike said...

The guys in the crash were Tom and Tyler from Family Bike Shop in Crofton. Tyler is out of the hospital with stitches but Tom is still in the hospital. He's stable and under observation because of a busted trachea. Send good thoughts their way. Follow up with Jonathan at FBS for more details. I'm pretty sure he was right behind them.



Paul Foer said...

also on Twitter....

BicycleXC said...

Thank you for your time and thoughts in this situation. I am currently at home now, but taking it very, very easy. Mike said it, take an extra 3 seconds, just 3, and triple check for bike riders before you swing your door open.


Paul Foer said...

Thanks for the note and glad to hear you are recovering. It is my intention to bring these related issues to the greater public through this blog while remain a committed activist to make bikers and walkers first class citizens. Keep up the good work and write again.

RS said...

Critical Mass. I know it is not the best way to handle things and no one cares to take part in civil disobedience anymore but dammit I want to see something revolutionary happen in stuffy old annapolis before I die.

I am glad Tom is feeling better and implore him to seek legal council at once. Do not speak directly with the other party's insurance company. He deserves to be made whole again and compensated for all the physical therapy his doctor and lawyer need to arrange for him.

Paul Foer said...

Dear RS I'll support you a hundred percent. Just get started and we'll make it happen.

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