Let's All Ride A Bike on Friday! ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Let's All Ride A Bike on Friday!

Ther will be an Annapolis component for Bike-to-Work Day on Friday which promotes a “clean commute” and kicks off Clean Commute Month. May is the beginning of the ground-level ozone season, when we hear about Code Red and Orange Ozone Action Days. On those days, the air is dangerous to breathe – especially for the young and for the elderly. Single occupancy vehicles produce 20% of the dangerous ozone-emission pollution in the Baltimore area. Bike commuting can improve the air we breathe. Sound interesting? Give it a shot and join us for Bike-to-Work Day 2009 - May 15th!

Register here: www.baltometro.org/content/view/258/230

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