A young and enthusiastic, though perhaps 100% white crowd of at least 70 people greeted Independent Mayoral Candidate Chris Fox at his announcement at City Dock on Saturday. Fox has an uphill battle to gather the 500 signatures to get on the ballot but is making steady progress. His no-nonsense and non-partisan attitude, and admittedly political neophyte status may resonate with a lot of voters and though he is formally getting into the race later than other candidates, my sense is that he will quickly start attracting more attention. He has already had to clarify his position on public housing which has been misconstrued and misunderstood by some, but at least he is openly discussing it as a major issue. Also see www.eyeonannapolis for its coverage..... We do not yet have a featured guest for this Thursday's Sip N' Blog, although we have invited the sitting aldermen running for re-election. In typical fashion for most of them, they have not responded. Sheila? Dick? Fred? Classie? We have already hosted Ross A and of course Dave C and Sam S who are running for mayor....and as mentioned before, we have been unable to contact Kenny Kirby in Ward Six....We are waiting...and waiting.....and waiting... to hear if Frank Flyntz will pick a Thursday to be our guest. He will be the ninth of nine mayoral candidates, all of the rest of whom have been easy to contact and enthusiastic about attending....Don't forget tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 12th, Chris Fox For Mayor Fundraiser at The Greystone Grill, 7:00 P.M-9:00 P.M. The cost is $50 and there are no tickets needed--money will be collected at the door! www.foxformayor.com ...Coming Up Next Week...Community Conversation with Zina Pierre May 19, 7:00 pm. Come Meet Zina and discuss the city's future. 921 King James Landing Road, Annapolis, RSVP: Jake Spencer jakekajspencer@gmail.com or Dustin Mitchell events@zinapierre.com (410) 212-7491....Ward Six hopeful Greg Stiverson will be holding a fund-raiser on Thursday May 21 at the Eastport Fire Station from 5 to 7 pm. Tickets for $50 each or $75 per couple. Visit wwww.stiversonforward6.com. ... Also that night, at 7:00pm Ward 8 community fundraiser at Squisito’s Pizza 1007A Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403 for Mayoral Candidate Alderman Sam Shropshire. There will be free pizza for all! (Drinks are at your expense.) For further information, please contact: Lee Caudle 410-268-8772....or click on the ad here at CP. These reminders will also be posted next week.
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Bay Daily on Hiatus
Congratulations to Bay Daily creator, Tom Pelton, who has accepted a
position with another organization working to make the world a better
place. In his ab...
10 years ago
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