Oh Nine On Line for May 14 ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh Nine On Line for May 14

Gil Renaut and Zina Pierre were the featured speakers at the Ward One Residents Association last night. Also in the audience were Trudy McFall, Chris Fox, and Greg Stiverson....and Josh Cohen's folks. Campaign By Press Release...Zina Pierre is on a run with various news releases, amassing a record of her views on a variety of topics. She's had four releases come out in as many days. Before that, she told the EPA to enforce environmental laws but said little of substance about what she would do as mayor to protect the Bay. Now she is telling the county council to fund the Bates Arts Magnet Program. (Is it the council or the superintendent who should be the target?) I agree with Ms. Pierre about funding this program and supporting our schools but where has she been regarding our own city budget? She has come out against the mayoral pay hike but where has she been involved with our current budget process? It's a whole lot of feel good stuff from a person seeking office at one government level to those at another government level about how to spend money. It's really easy to take a popular stand that will resonate with voters when you're an office seeker, but when you sit in the big chair, sometimes you have to say no and cut budgets. Would it not make more sense for her to write or perhaps to testify about our budget?

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