Scott Bowling for Ward Three has done some major upgrades to his web-site. Click on his ad to visit, which I will again say, does not affect revenue. He is also planning a birthday bash on June 20....Greg Stiverson in Ward Six has also updated his site at The Office of The City Clerk in which I inquired about the use of the City Seal on campaign material. "What we were able to locate and review was material which depicted the City's Logo, a badge containing a crown, and a red and purple flower. The City Code does not prohibit the use of the City's logo in connection with a political campaign, when used in such a way as not to suggest an official City document or communication; or, its use by elected officials in their official capacity. We do not find that the use of the City's Logo within the material reviewed by this office, would lead a person to assume that the material is an official City document or communication. Thank you for your inquiry." Well there you have it.
Mayoral candidate Dave Cordle's campaign seems to be having some...challenges. He is hosting a fund-raiser this Thursday, for which an email went out only last Friday from supporter Joyce Thomann. This by the way, conflicts with our weekly Sip N' Blogs, which this week features mayoral candidate Chris Fox. I do not blame anyone for this conflict, but Sip N' Blog has been going on for over a year every Thursday morning, and Cordle was even a guest recently. It is also held about two blocks away. Yet even today, there is no mention of this event on Cordle's web-site, which I check almost daily. It gets worse. The message of Thomann's email invite, which I find unsettling, is exactly why I am running the poll this week on partisanship in our local elections. Besides that, why can't the campaign wait to offend Democrats until he actually runs against a Democrat? Do Cordle's supporters think he can get elected citywide without Democratic support? Here Thomann is going on a tirade against Democrats! For example:
"HOWEVER, I MUST ADMIT THAT THE PROSPECT OF SENDING THE DEMOCRATS A MESSAGE THAT WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THEIR SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, TAX, TAX, TAX POLICIES GIVES ME ADDITIONAL IMPETUS FOR GETTING INTO THE ANNAPOLIS CITY RACES BIG TIME – NOW!" Thomann, who does not even live in the city, went on about the recent "Tea Party" and wrote,"We are the people who truly understand that when a politician 'brings home the bacon' they have FIRST STOLEN IT FROM OUR REFRIGERATORS! We weren’t the 'hired guns' regularly turned out by the unions or the liberal socialists for their demonstrations" There you have it--liberal socialists! Perhaps she was the one whose Volvo sported the liberal=socialist bumper sticker I commented upon at Scott Bowling's fund-raiser, which she attended. And she wrote this as well: " THE ANNAPOLIS CITY ELECTIONS GIVE US OUR FIRST OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW OUR DEMOCRAT MASTERS THAT WE REALLY WERE AND CONTINUE TO BE SERIOUS! " . Okay. Sure. Let's be serious. How about if the national Republican party leaders cannot figure out the mess they are in, perhaps the local ones can at least try to understand that without some appeal to some Democrats, Cordle's chances may be slim to none. That's just my humble opinion.
Oh Nine On Line--daily campaign updates!
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10 years ago
Well there you have it. The only person concerned with the use of the City Logo appears to be you. Did you scream when BHO utilized an American Flag lapel pin? Or heaven forbid the use of white stars and red stripes during his campaign?
And I am pretty sure that Dave Cordel and all the other candidates do not have their calendars created to make sure their is not a conflict on your little coffee club of left wing socialists. Ya think Dave is missing some perspective voters? I don't!
I think you feel yourself a little too self important. But I guess because Bowling redid his site, his "grade" will go up.
Are you still bitter because no none voted for you when you ran for office, so now you take a bully pulpit and pick on anyone you please?
Dear E. Melendez (if that really is your name...I do know an E Melendez but he would never write such vituperative stuff)
Are you feeling better now? Wow, I must have really hit a raw nerve with you, but I guess you have a lot of them. If you wish to publish any more, make sure you fully identify yourself and we can continue your missives and treat your fairly. Who are all the "left wing socialists" to which you refer? Are you speaking of the registered Republicans, the retired police officer, the retired Army Colonel, the conservative engineer and others from across the political spectrum who follow CP because they think I have something worthwhile to say?
And by the way, the correct term is "prospective" voters, not "perspective" voters, but it's clear that your perspective is a little, shall we say, skewed? C'mon-keep writing, but please identify yourself, unless you have something to fear, such as criticism, which you anonymously level against me so freely.
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