Readers Support Ending Partisan Local Elections ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Readers Support Ending Partisan Local Elections

Both Democrats and Republicans Favor Ending
Partisan Local Elections, while Greens and Independents
even more stronglyfavor ending such practices according
to our local poll. Final results from 75 respondents:

I am a Democrat and say Yes 17 (22%)

I am a Republican and say Yes
15 (20%)
I am Independent and say Yes
9 (12%)
I am a Green and say Yes
3 (4%)
I am "Other" and say Yes
0 (0%)
I am a Democrat and say No
13 (17%)
I am a Republican and say No
11 (14%)
I am an Independent and say No
0 (0%)
I am a Green and Say No
0 (0%)
I am "Other" and say No
1 (1%)
No Opinion
6 (8%)

These percentages remained consistent all week long. Yes ended with 58% in favor and No at 32% with No Opinion at 8%. If we simply looked at this in a partisan fashion, we saw Democrats in favor by 17 to 13 votes and Republicans in favor by 15 to 11 votes. Dems and Reps got 32 votes yea and 24 votes nay. Well, this could be the next big charter issue in Annapolis, but please, let's wait until next year.

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