Oh Nine Online for July 14... ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh Nine Online for July 14...

Join Zina Pierre supporters to learn more about a Fresh Start for Annapolis! Friday, July 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Evening on the Bay at Butler's Waterfront and Marina, 409 Chester Avenue, Eastport. Tickets are $25. Contact Turkessa R. Thompson by email or call 202-276-0373 to purchase your tickets....Mayoral candidates Cohen, Pierre, Renaut, McFall and Fox will participate in CP's July 28th mayoral debate in the Fellowship Hall of Calvary United Methodist Church on Rowe Blvd. That is the exact same set of candidates I suggested were the front-runners in a recent post. The ones who have not responded are the same ones I referred to in a different light. Am I prescient or does it say that those candidates who liked what I said have responded to the invitation favorably, while those who did not like what I said have not? Was it a self-fulfilling prophecy? Ahh, the media are always interdependent with their subjects.

Here is what I wrote a week ago:

"Here's a quick rundown of where campaigns appear to be standing from a purely subjective point of view. For Republicans, Cordle and Flyntz are remarkably low-key but as it is now July, with Flyntz's name barely recognizable, I'd give him little or no chance of a strong showing in September against the much-better-known native-son Cordle...As for the Dems, my crystal ball, though still cloudy, is getting a bit clearer each day, and I would put Cohen, McFall and Pierre bunched together up front. Renaut may have a strong showing in the most active Ward One which could conceivably put him over the top, while I give Taylor little if any chance of more than a small percentage and Shropshire too

So here is the lineup for the July 28 debate as of today. Cohen, Pierre, Renaut, McFall and Fox will participate. Taylor at least responded saying he has a scheduling conflict (but he has no events shown on his web-site--NONE!). Cordle, Flyntz, and Shropshire have not responded. I am surprised about Cordle but this is typical for Flyntz and Shropshire. Flyntz seems to relish in remaining obscure and mysterious. I think Shropshire is going to find an excuse to throw in the towel soon anyhow and he has not responded to any emails asking about that.

Those absence of candidates July 28 will be duly noted by those attending the debate--and it will be a debate, not a talking-head forum.

A donation of at least $1 per person is requested to cover room rental, expenses and a donation to the church. Since the event is a double-header also celebrating our 100,000 "hit", those wishing to head to a local watering hole at 9 pm are encouraged to join CP and loyal readers.

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