Annapolis Republicans Schedule Rally on Rosh Ha Shanah....September 19th ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Annapolis Republicans Schedule Rally on Rosh Ha Shanah....September 19th

As soon as our Republican friends provide us with information on buying tickets, I'll post it for readers....Who knows if they were it aware it is also The Jewish New Year?

Scott Bolwing writes:
Tickets can be purchased at the door or from the Republican Candidate you support in your Ward. If anyone would like to purchase a ticket, they can contact me or send a check to the "Friends of Scott Bowling" -- P.O. Box 6303 Annapolis, MD 21401. You can also purchase a ticket online at

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Anonymous said...


Tickets can be purchased at the door or from the Republican Candidate you support in your Ward.

If anyone would like to purchase a ticket, they can contact me or send a check to the "Friends of Scott Bowling" -- P.O. Box 6303 Annapolis, MD 21401

You can also purchase a ticket online at

I hope this information is helpful.


Greg Stiverson said...

Geez, Paul. I hope you slam the sponsors of the other 154 events listed in What's Up Annapolis's calendar that are scheduled for Rosh Hashanah, including: The Alturas Duo program at Maryland Hall, the Baltimore Orioles vs. Boston at Camden Yards, the Navy Women's Soccer game, the Colonial Players production of "The Curious Savage," the AYC's Keels and Wheels event, the Boatyard Bar and Grill's annual Beach Bash, Hammond-Harwood House's Annual Garden Party, and the annual Kunta Kinte Celebration at City Dock. On behalf of the outstanding Republican candidates who will be the beneficiaries of this fundraising event, I can assure you that no offense to our valued Jewish friends was intended by the scheduling. And all of us wish you and yours a joyous New Year.

Paul Foer said...

Greg I did not "slam" anybody. This is all I wrote-- "Who knows if they were it aware it is also The Jewish New Year?" I did not even suggest it was wrong or inappropriate, but certainly some might see the date that way. So, I did not SLAM anyone.
But, it also might hurt the party's own success. As for the fact that there are hundreds of other events going on, I don't see your point. I am not suggesting the world stop. On the other hand, this is not eastern Washington state, but an Eastern state capital near two major metropolitan areas with large Jewish populations, and while the Jewish population of Annapolis is not "large" it is significant AND Jews vote--in highly disproportionate numbers. While Jews have tended to vote Democratic, this trend has seen reversals and I know of a Jewish couple in Annapolis who are major Republican activists and supporters. But hey--nobody is asking for special treatment and we can't please everybody. The show must go on.

Ronald Wilson said...

It wasn't your commentary but your title that slammed the event. Yes, tone can come through on the Internet.

I take it that we will count you as a "no"?

Paul Foer said...

Ronald Wilson: Thanks for your comment. I assume, but do not know if you are active within the local GOP. Yes, I think the title may have been editorializing, but again, there was no "slam" as you said. However, this choice of dates could be described by some as insensitive, or inconsiderate or perhaps offensive or even something worse. I just think it was a poor choice. However, considering that neither you nor the local GOP "invited" me, or much less informed this blog of such an event, I am not sure what to make of your writing that,"I take it that we will count you as a "no"?" Who is the we? The notice came from Scott Bowling.

So--perhaps, just maybe you and the local GOP folks might want to say something such as "Thanks for helping us to promote our events and activities and for all you do to engage citizens in local politics and government. We'll be sure to include you for further notices and events. As for the choice of date....[fill in the blanks]...."

I'm waiting....


Ronald Wilson said...

So if they did not notify you, how did you get the invite/poster/graphic? Was it sent to you or did you just create it from scratch?

Paul Foer said...

Hellloooooo Mister Wilson...... (you remember Dennis the Menace--yes?)

No I did not create it from scratch, as was the Contract on America, Iran-Contra, Watergate, or Trickle Down Economics, to name just two examples. If I had created it from scratch, it would have been more attractive.
In regard to your question, I see you did not read my comment. Please check the first paragraph, last sentence in which I wrote:


As in NOT from the local GOP leadership or organizations.

I see you did not read my second paragraph either. Is this a matter for an optometrist or some other professional?

Ronald Wilson said...

So according to your post, you can purchase tickets from Scott Bowling. This is confirmed by Scott himself right above me. He sent it to you. And for some reason you feel that is not to your liking? Maybe you wanted it from Joyce Thomann?

Maybe she was the one that decided on the date to continue the persecution of the Jews.

But as any one of your 109 readers likely already knows, no one would expect you to look at anything in a fair and balanced manner. If it ain't liberal or left--it ain't right!

And I notice in your sidebar, you indeed to take a stab at the event as well. "(Rosh Ha Shanah too...good timing...)"

And is that a new way to spell the name "Rosh Hashanah"?

Paul Foer said...

Mr Wilson:

Apparently you don't read Capital Punishment closely enough to know that your characterization of me and what I do here is way off base. Go ahead and ask any thinking Republican (and yes there are still many left but they seem fewer every day as you so amply demonstrate) about me and what I do here every day and you'll see what I mean. Apparently you don't appreciate my sense of humor or my "snarky" style. Too bad. Don't read it.

As for 109 readers--that number fluctuates and has been much higher--it only represents email subscribers--CP gets about three times as many page views on any day. The number was 139 a few days ago but was 87 a month ago.

Now -to the real stuff--the whole invective of your comment was awful but your comment "Maybe she was the one that decided on the date to continue the persecution of the Jews" is really disgusting, offensive and you owe me and my readers an apology. Perhaps I never should have printed your letter--but that would have been censorship yes? Which is what you so wrongly accuse me of doing.

I may make fun of Republicans because of what they do--and they choose to be Republicans and do what they do--and I make fun of Democrats too. But to make and to continue racial, ethnic and religious stereotypes is patently offensive and just plain stupid.
How about it Mr. Wilson? Do you have that much integrity or humility or self awareness to make such a public apology?

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