City Manager Petition--The Race To The Finish!!! ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, August 7, 2009

City Manager Petition--The Race To The Finish!!!

IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED THE PETITION YET--W.T.H. ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Don't Believe the ULSOS (I'll explain that one later) Propaganda Put out By Moyer Inc and Their Hired Muscle....we need a city manager form of government!

From Annapolitans for A Better Community:

Dear Friends,

For the past few months, our petition drive for a City Manager has been gaining steam: first, volunteers signed up friends and neighbors to launch the effort (THANKS to all of you who have helped!) Then, we went into high-gear with an intense direct mail program that enabled us to reach registered voters throughout the City. And recently, we followed up the initial direct mail effort with another round to remind those who had not yet signed the petition.

The results have been very encouraging and we are closer than ever to reaching our goal of 20% of all registered voters. BUT WE ARE NOT THERE YET … so we need to enlist you and other volunteers as we “RACE TO THE FINISH”.

Now, we are inviting YOU and a group of other fun people to join us Saturday morning August 15, at the HARDBEAN at 8:30 am. We NEED YOUR help to gather up a bunch of petitions so we can Race to the Finish with the City Manager Petition drive. We need to turn up the heat NOW and run a real race to finish out the petition drive by the end of August and get the City Manager issue on the ballot THIS year!

Bring your friends -- grab a cup of coffee and a list of names -- and join us for a few hours. We need everyone's help in contacting those voters who have not yet signed a petition. We know who has turned in a petition - and we know whom we need to contact! PLEASE HELP US FINISH THIS PETITION DRIVE...NOW!

Creating the City Manager position is the most important thing we as citizens and voters can do to improve Annapolis City Government -- and we need YOUR HELP -- we need a couple hours of your time Saturday Aug 15. Yes, it takes a little bit of your time -- yes, it takes some effort. But if you think someone else is going to handle this - think again - it is up to us if we want to improve Annapolis.

So, come get a cup of coffee at the HARDBEAN and join the fun! Get a list of names, petitions, door hangers you can leave for people who are not home -- and JOIN THE FUN!

Please let us know if you can join us on the 15th. And by all means bring neighbors and helpful family members. This will be a fun day!

And thank you for your past support of the City Manager petition effort!

Bill Kardash and Doug Smith, Co-chairman
Annapolitans for A Better Community

Please send comments, subscribe, share with your friends, and support our sponsors. Join us every Thursday morning from 8-9 am for our Sip N' Blogs held in local coffee shops...except for that one in Eastport we used to patronize...ahhhh choo!.


Craig Purcell said...

Sounds like the petition is not going so well. Maybe people really know it is time for a political change rather than creating more bureaucracy, nine mini mayors & more shadow government.

Paul Foer said...

If you really want a political change, why are you so closely allied with Wacky Weikel and Moyer Inc??? Besides that, it sounds as if the petition is going rather well but it is a difficult task. At least those circulating it are doing something positive instead of whining like you and Weikel. Aren't you writing enough blather on your own blog where you and Wacky Weikel write in fake comments under other names that are evocative of other real people? What kind of political change do you desire--where it is acceptable to assassinate one's character, pick fights all day long and spread false rumors about candidates? Give me a break! And how about this--I don't write to your blog and you don't write to mine? Until you are willing to engage in civil discourse,I'm not interested. Deal?

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