CP Thanks Loyal Readers Who Thanked CP ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CP Thanks Loyal Readers Who Thanked CP

CP would like to thank Harvey and Jean Singer and Rob and Jeanne Slawson for their generous contributions in support of their favorite local blog. Along with his contribution, Harvey wrote:

"...good reading! my view is that the writing in Paul's blog has to be approached intelligently, and read critically -- that is, with a healthy dose of internal dialog about what's likely true and what it implies -- but there's no doubt that you emerge from that exercise knowing more and understanding more than what you knew and understood beforehand."

The Singers are recent arrivals in Eastport and Harvey has become involved in local politics and issues. They can often be seen walking...and walking....

The Slawsons are long time Eastporters, community activists and well known to their many friends and neighbors. They write:

"Here is a small contribution for your large contribution of keeping us all informed with your clear-eyed views of people and "goings on" in political Annapolis. Thanks for sharing your unique talents with us. They're priceless.

CP encourages all loyal readers to join the Slawsons and Singers by sending in a contribution (921 Boucher Ave. Annapolis, MD 21403), by supporting our advertisers (well--some are running businesses and some are running for office...so either buy something or vote for someone....) or won't you mention to a local business what a great place this will be for them to showcase their products and services?

This is a public service that can only continue if CP can be compensated. I cannot be shy about asking for your support. If you receive value from CP, please consider sharing some of that value with me. THANK YOU.
Please send comments, subscribe, share with your friends, and support our sponsors. Join us every Thursday morning from 8-9 am for our Sip N' Blogs held in local coffee shops...except for that one in Eastport we used to patronize...ahhhh choo!.


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