A Mayoral Race in a Small City in Maryland... ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Mayoral Race in a Small City in Maryland...

Another one of Maryland's  major cities is having a highly contested mayoral race...Frederick. I was there on Sunday and read its local newspaper, The Frederick News-Post, including a column by Joe Volz called "Democracy in Action" in which he goes over the races.

He begins by saying party affiliation does not matter. Right on. Who does Volz support? Well, the former mayor, a highly controversial Jennifer Dougherty is running again. Volz writes, "One reader accused me of having a "personal vendetta" against Jennifer because I wrote so many critical columns about her during her term as mayor. No, I don't have a vendetta against Jennifer or any politicians. None of my personal friends or "enemies" is a politician. I am just calling it the way I see it, and you readers can offer your own views.
But I view Jennifer as a polarizing force. Very divisive. Why go through that again? Maybe there is a new Jennifer, kinder and gentler. But why take a chance since there is another Democratic candidate in the field, Jason Judd?"

Hmm. Very divisive. Polarizing. Interesting.Volz continues, "But it doesn't matter whether we have a Democratic or Republican mayor. We need someone who can get along with people, knows the town, has some common sense and can pick an effective Cabinet."

Sounds good to me! I ask readers to again consider that Volz wrote,  "I am just calling it the way I see it, and you readers can offer your own views." That also sounds good to me, but again, I am not endorsing or supporting any particular candidate but certainly a candidate "who can get along with people, knows the town, has some common sense and can pick an effective Cabinet" would warrant my attention.

And Volz gets comments as well, such as this one:

"Interesting column, Joe. For years I have been trying to persuade voters to vote the issues and the candidate rather than Party rhetoric. The sad truth is only 20-25% of our registered voters will even come to the polls and probably half of them will vote party. Sad, sad, sad."

Very sad indeed and it sounds like another city in Maryland. Read the entire column at Volz

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