Message On City Manager Petition from Doug Smith ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, August 14, 2009

Message On City Manager Petition from Doug Smith

Many of you have helped TREMENDOUSLY with the petition drive. THANK YOU for signing petitions - We are now into the 1000's.

This Saturday Morning, starting at 8:30 am, at the HardBean, we will be going door-to-door, visiting our neighbors who have not yet sent in their petitions. The whole goal here is to get this issue on the ballot. Come join us - help us push this to the FINISH!

If there was one thing we as a community could do to improve the STRUCTURE of our government, it is to establish a professional City Manager. Contrary to the false statements, this will not increase cost - in fact - a City Manager will reduce spending by the City. No one -
I repeat - NO ONE is looking for ways to save money and reduce spending by the City. New Programs get created, and new people get hired, to spend every single dollar of your tax money that comes int the city. The city employment now exceeds 600 people - spending
exceeds $86 Million - and do you really think anyone is minding the store - watching how your money is spent?

Come join us at Hard Bean, spend a couple of hours gathering petitions, and help us push this to the finish line.

When residents and business owners look the benefits of a Professional City manager - the most frequent comment: " this is a no-brainer". Forget the red herrings that say this reduces voter representation -in fact - this increases your voter representation. We will have a
stronger voice in our city government. If you watch what opponents say, their total message is one of FEAR - trying to make you afraid of City Manager. The truth is - we have a system that puts 99% of the power with one person - the mayor. The mayor then appoints people who
are political friends - I think we need a system of laws - not of men-a City Manager will be hired on the basis of skill - and prior proven experience, not political loyalty. Over 3,500 cities use City Manager- they voted it in! You need the opportunity to decide what YOU want.
If we don't make the change - we are going to have business as usual- is that what you want?

Doug Smith

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