OhNine OnLine for August 19-Finance Reports Coming In ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

OhNine OnLine for August 19-Finance Reports Coming In

Be sure to visit Arundel Muckraker's guide to the elections at www.annapolisdecides.com

Like a pack of wolves...well, okay, maybe that's a bad metaphor.....like a bunch of...oh never mind...many reporters, bloggers and political junkies will be reviewing all the filings from the candidates that were due in on Monday.

Josh Cohen says he has $60,000 in contributions, with over $9,000 cash on hand. According to his campaign, the 267 contributions came from 244 unique donors, and ranged from $10 to $2,500, with a median donation of $100. A full two-thirds of all contributions came from the 21401 and 21403 zip codes.

Aldermanic candidate Scott Bowling in an email addressed to "bloggers" has already supplied CP and presumably others, with his complete report. He writes:

"While I do not have access to other candidate’s reports at this time, I believe there will be noteworthy distinctions between my report and that of my opponent, Alderwoman Hoyle. Most notably will probably be the source of contributions. I am proud that nearly 100% of my contributions are from individuals who live in Annapolis. I have taken NO money from developers or lobbyist."

Bowling says he has raised about $6,000 and he also returned an $80 contribution from Joyce Thomann, yes that Joyce Thomann, when he repudiated her now infamous Hitler-Obama comparison. More on Bowling and the others when I get a chance to sit down on the back porch with my cool, old pal Sam Adams (you know--the brewer AND patriot) and try to make sense.....follow the money.....follow the money.....pass me a beer..................uhh how long can this go on???


tlh said...

Sam Adams truly was a Bad Ass and happily for us, his legacy lives on...

Paul Foer said...

Yeah...middle class dude...firebrand...brewer and patriot....from Taxachusetts home of the Kennedys, John Kerry, Tip ONeill, Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, Mike Dukakis

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