More on The Democrat's Infighting ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, September 4, 2009

More on The Democrat's Infighting

After posting this morning's piece about a hissy fit within our local Democratic Party, I left for the day  at 10:30 and was away from any computer until  I came home about 430, and this was waiting for me. It was not left out of this morning's post for any reason except I was not aware of it. (again shown below in reverse chronological order):
From: "Chuck Weikel" <>
Date: September 4, 2009 3:59:18 PM EDT
To: "Zina Pierre" <>, "Josh Cohen" <>, "Ellen Moyer" <>, <>, <>, <>, "Classie Hoyle" <>, <>, "'Kory Blake'" <>, "Jamie Benoit" <>, "Jim Martin" <>, "craig purcell" <>
Subject: Fw: Important ADCC Business

The pattern is pretty clear:
-- Nick stirs the pot by doing something simply wrong (trying to set up an election that does not comform to the by laws) or his own inaction, straw men.
-- He takes an email response that I have sent to a limited number of people on a specific subject and then resends to the world.
-- He then acts like the aggreaved party and calls me names.
-- He then sends it onto bloggers who twist the facts and hate Democrats.
In this particular case he waited to start the game playing until after he knew I boarded a jet for Singapore, 12 time zones away.  At least in this case he said he was wrong and apologized.
It simply time for this to stop.  The Party must unify.  Nick must decide whether his personal and political alliances allow for others, who have been working in Democrat politics a lot longer than he has, to exist.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: Important ADCC Business

Clarence pointed out to me my mistake. The bylaws state that the election of ADCC officers occurs at the first meeting after the primary, not necessarily the next regular meeting. Since I called a special meeting for September 23 with District 30 to plan a fundraiser for our candidates, that is the meeting at which elections must be held. Therefore, the election for ADCC officers has to occur September 23, without filling the three vacancies.
My apologies to Chuck. But it was an honest mistake.
Only six members will be on the ADCC on September 23, and only they can vote for the election of officers. So, those interested in running need to let Gail Smith, who will run the election, know soon.
In the meantime, the procedures for filling the vacancies on October 20 remain in effect. 
I regret the error.
Nick Berry did NOT send the email chain on to me. It came from another source--but when you send juicy emails out to dozens of people, what do you expect?
Once again, Weikel is engaging in a game of deception, both self-deception and otherwise. He is projecting onto others what he finds reprehensible within himself. At least Nick Berry has the integrity to make an apology for a mistake, and that's something  from which Weikel might want to learn. Nick Berry makes an apology and Weikel takes him to task for it. Weikel better be careful in Singapore where they whip people for public misbehavior.....hey, that gives me an idea...I'm calling my alderman!

DEMOCRATS MUST WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!!  YOU ARE LETTING THIS MEAN-SPIRITED, NASTY, HATEFUL LOOSE CANNON SPOIL YOUR PARTY...or maybe he is performing a job that some of your leadership finds helpful.....Take Chuck's advice to you when he says "The Party Must Unify".....
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1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. Frankly, I find many of the party "insiders"to be rediculous. Which means it's time for voters to elect someone who is not an "insider" or current office holder.
Marcia Marshal

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