Our nine readers who responded to the contest came up with these numbers after averaging them:
Cordle 42.0 (range of 29 to 60%)
Cohen 36.5 (range of 10-45%)
Fox 21.0 (range of 9 to 36%)
Here is what CP predicted:
Cohen 35%
Cordle 35%
Fox 30%
But the unofficial results so far are:
Cohen 45%
Cordle 42%
Fox 13%
So, which of our brave nine readers came closest? Which of our readers will now be likened to Nostradamus? Which of our readers will now get a ten dollar gift certificate to Zu Coffee? The winner is:
Theodore Anderson A Ward 8 resident who supported Cordle predicted:
Cohen 44%
Cordle 43%
Fox 12%
Ted also predicted turnout at 23%, but can anyone help me determine the official turnout??? (POST NOTE--I believe the turnout was about 34%) I think Ted was way low on that. His percentages actually add up to 99% but wow--that was really close! You are prescient--even for a Republican! Can I make you the CP Official Prophet??
Congratulations Ted. Second-place winner gets to buy coffee for CP. Third place winner gets to take CP out to a relaxing, slow meal at a gourmet restaurant. (Just kidding about the second and third parts...)
Ted (may I call you Ted?), you did not send in a prediction for the aldermanic race, so you don't get any extra credit...not that I had anything in mind for that anyhow....But, this reader was the runner-up...Paul Hoffstein, a Democrat also from Ward 8 predicted:
Cohen 43%
Cordle 40%
Fox 17%
Sorry--no prize for you--but you can buy me a cup of coffee--or a beer!
In the wards (rounding off):
Hoyle received about 60 to Bowling's 40. (CP called it wrong)
Silverman got about 60 to Conley's 40 (Julie Mussog R-8 called that right on! CP predicted Silverman as winner but much closer)
Kirby 60 to Stiverson 40 (CP wrong again--predicted Stiverson would edge out Kirby)
Pfeiffer at 51% versus Monteith at 49% (Julie Mussog was really close on that CP was right on as well!)
Arnett 54% to Toews 46%.(CP predicted Arnett with 55% of the vote)
These Ward-Eighters are a smart bunch! And just think, Cohen lost both precincts there--his old home ward. Hmmm....
NOW..back to the mayoral race for a second... I also made predictions by wards, so how did I do??? If you are still reading this and actually care....go to www.annapolis.gov/upload/images/government/depts/CityClerk/Elect09/2009Gen.pdf my results here were really mixed but poor overall.
Thanks to all who paid attention to any of this!!! THANKS FOR VOTING!!!
LISTEN TO CP Publisher Paul Foer on 1430WNAV at 8:15 every weekday morning.
READ CP Publisher Paul Foer's "The Ninth Ward" every Wednesday in The Capital
JOIN US EACH THURSDAY 8-9 am for our Sip N' Blogs normally at ZU Coffee, 934 Bay Ridge Road in the Giant Shopping Center. Oct 29--Dave Cordle at Zu Coffee. Nov-5th--mayor-elect? Nov 12--stay tuned. Stop by on your way to work for your morning latte and meet other local activists. Zu now has a drive-through window!
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10 years ago
1 Comment:
To answer your query:
Turnout was 36% by my calculation Tue. PM.
-Ted W.
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