Alderman Arnett on City Council Meeting ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, April 23, 2010

Alderman Arnett on City Council Meeting

Ward 8 Residents
The Special Meeting of the Annapolis City Council will be held on April 26, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Council meetings are broadcast on Comcast channel 99 and Verizon channel 34.

Reports by committees

Comments by the general public: A person appearing before the City Council with a petition, report or communication shall be limited to a presentation of not more than three minutes.
Appointment of Fire Chief
PUBLIC HEARING   continued......


O-09-10 Annual Operating Budget: FY 2011 [Cohen] - For the purposes of adopting an operating budget for the City of Annapolis for the Fiscal Year 2011; appropriating funds for expenditures for the Fiscal Year 2011; defraying all expenses and liabilities of the City of Annapolis and levying same for the purposes specified; specifying certain duties of the Director of Finance; and, specifying a rate of interest to be charged upon overdue property taxes.

R-05-10 Capital Improvement Budget and Program: FY 2011 to FY

2016 [Cohen] - For the purposes of adopting a capital improvement budget for the Fiscal Year 2011, and a capital improvement program for the six-year period from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2016.

R-06-10 FY 2011 Fees Schedule Effective July 1, 2010 [Cohen] - For the purpose of specifying fees that will be charged for the use of City services for FY 2011.

CA-06-10 Public Debt [Cohen] - For the purpose of increasing the permissible aggregate principal amount of sums the City of Annapolis may borrow at any one time.

O-06-10 Contractual Employment [Israel] - For the purposes of specifying how a position of contractual employment with the City of Annapolis shall be created and filled; and, revising the definition of “excluded service” and the scope of the civil service system.

O-13-10 Lease of Public Parking Lots to FRESHFARM Markets, Inc. [Cohen] - For the purpose of authorizing a lease of municipal property located at 110 Compromise Street from May 2, 2010, through November 21, 2010, to FRESHFARM Markets, Inc.

Below is the legislative agenda for the meeting with a brief description of each item. I have added comments in italics and underline after some of the legislation. It is my practice to comment only on legislation that has had a public hearing and has gone through the Council Committee process.


CA-09-09 2nd R. City Manager Form of Government [Cordle, Arnett] – For the purpose of establishing a city manager form of government by defining the appointment, powers and responsibilities of the city manager as chief executive of the City; reforming the office and duties of the Mayor; reforming the appointment and duties of the city attorney; and, clarifying the role of the City Council. Of the three Charter amendments, this is the only one that is a change to a Council Manager form of government. CA-03-10 amends the charter to strengthen the requirements for the current City Administrator, now renames City Manager, but it leaves the form of government the same. I have been long on record as saying that our current form of government is not working for the City – just look at the current budget mess. I strongly support a change to the Council Manager form of government and will vote in favor of this amendment.
CA-03-10 2nd R. City Manager Form of Government II [Finlayson, Silverman, Hoyle, Kirby] – For the purposes of clarifying the role of the city manager as chief administrative officer; enhancing the supervisory powers of city manager with respect to departmental directors; and, providing that the mayor may remove the city manager from office with council approval. As mentioned above, this is not a change to a Council Manager form of government and the City Manager, which is a technical term, is a misnomer. This amendment changes slightly the current requirements for a qualified City Administrator. Its true impact will be that Doug Smith, the current Chief Administrative Officer (a position that does not exist in City Code) will not have his contract renewed, at least not with Council approval. Frankly, I think Mr. Smith has been doing a good job so far. But I do not see him as “qualified” to make some of the professional decisions that await the City in terms of finance, organizational structure and other issues. I will vote no on this amendment.

CA-04-10 2nd R. Chief Administrative Officer [Cohen] – For the purposes of clarifying the role of the chief administrative officer; enhancing the supervisory powers of chief administrative officer with respect to departmental directors; and, providing that the chief administrative officer shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council. This amendment proposes to change the qualifications for the City Administrator and rename that position Chief Administrative Officer. I do not believe that job criteria should be changed to fit the person, that is tantamount to having no criteria in my view. I will vote no on this amendment.

O-35-09 2nd R. Stadium as Conforming Use in R2 Zoning District [Moyer, Paone] – For the purpose of establishing a stadium as an additional conforming use within the R2 Single-Family Residence Zoning District. This ordinance addresses an existing condition and makes the stadium uses of long standing legal. I will vote in favor.

O-66-09 2nd R. Operation of Mobile Food Service Facilities [Hoyle] – For the purpose of clarifying the licensure restriction on a mobile food service facility that prepares and sells food in a vehicle operated in a residential area. I have difficulty with this legislation as it applies to Ward 8 and have asked repeatedly that it be redrawn to exclude us and all wards other that three and four from the provisions of the ordinance. The Office of Law is to make suggestions to the effect, but I have not see them. With no change, I will vote no on this ordinance.

O-68-09 2nd R. Reading and Passage of Legislation [Israel] – For the purposes of requiring that all laws be enacted by ordinance; removing the requirement of a vote on first reading; requiring all readings of legislation occur during the same term; and, excepting emergency legislation, prohibiting the passage of legislation following a general election until the commencement of a new term. This legislation is aimed at ending all pending legislation with the end of a Council term. It also codifies that the Council is not in session in August of each year. I favor these changes and will vote for this ordinance.

CA-06-10 2nd R. Public Debt [Cohen] – For the purpose of increasing the permissible aggregate principal amount of sums the City of Annapolis may borrow at any one time. This Charter amendment increases the amount of short term debt the City may acquire from $3 million to $10 million. The change has been proposed by the administration because of the City’s current cash flow problems. It is a strong indicator of our financial crisis, and is very worrisome.

In plan, the City will borrow cash to make payroll until October, when property tax dollars will come in to the City coffers. The debt would then be paid off. Ten million dollars are a lot of money, 12+% of the entire City budget. If, as planned, we pay it off in October, will we just incur another cash flow problem and need to do more borrowing, a viscous cycle?
On the other hand, if we do not borrow, we will not be able to pay our bills, including payroll, but also other spending items such as utilities, etc., i.e., the things we need to keep the City running.

My inclination is to vote no on this change, but I seek your input.

O-08-10 2nd R. Establishment of Transportation Committee [Israel, Cohen, Arnett, Pfeiffer] – For the purpose of establishing the Transportation Committee, a standing committee responsible for reviewing all proposed amendments to Titles 12, 14, and 22 of the Annapolis City Code. I believe that part of the reason our Transportation Department is in trouble is because there has been no oversight Committee on the Council. This legislation addresses that problem and I plan vote yes.

O-13-10 2nd R. Lease of Public Parking Lots to FRESHFARM Markets, Inc. [Cohen] – For the purpose of authorizing a lease of municipal property located at 110 Compromise Street from May 2, 2010, through November 21, 2010, to FRESHFARM Markets, Inc. The market was very successful last year and I plan to vote for this lease renewal for this year.

R-07-10 2nd R. First Sundays 2010 [Cohen, Israel, Paone] – For the purposes of waiving the license requirement for the sale of arts-related merchandise in the Historic District at the First Sunday events and waiving fees associated with City services in conjunction with these events. First Sundays have been very popular and successful. However, the City can no longer afford to waive fees. I plan to vote for this with the removal of the waiver.

R-14-10 2nd R. Line of Credit [Cohen] – For the purpose authorizing and empowering the City of Annapolis to establish a line of credit, upon its full faith and credit, of up to the lesser of ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) or the amount specified in Article VII, Section 8(a) of the Charter of the City, to be issued for financing ongoing operating expenses of the City of Annapolis. CA-06-10 above proposes to amend the borrowing level for the City, this resolution allows the City to actually borrow the money needed to cover our cash flow problems. I have the same reservations about voting for this as I expressed above about changing the debt ceiling, and again, your input will be helpful.

O-04-10 1st R. Lease of City Dock Space to Chesapeake Marine Tours [Cohen, Arnett, Paone, Hoyle, Finlayson, Pfeiffer] – For the purpose of authorizing for fiscal year 2016 the lease of municipal property located at the City Dock to Chesapeake Marine Tours, Inc., for the docking and mooring of boats.

O-10-10 1st R. Overtime Policy [Israel] – For the purpose of prohibiting the assignment of overtime work except in matters directly affecting public health or public safety.

R-15-10 1st R. Five-Year Consolidated Housing and Community Development Strategic Plan [Cohen, Finlayson, Kirby, Silverman] – For the purposes of adopting a Five-Year Consolidated Housing and Community Development Strategic Plan for the period beginning July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2015.


1. Appointments


Meeting - Monday, May 10, 2010, City Council Chamber - 7:30 p.m.

Work Session -Thursday, May 20, 2010, City Council Chamber – 1:15 p.m.

Meeting - Monday, May 24, 2010, City Council Chamber - 7:00 p.m.

As always, you can call me [410 295-9743] or send an email [] if you have questions or concerns.

Ross Arnett, Alderman, Ward 8
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