Ward One and CRUSH and WINE AND WHINE....and Council-Manager Issues Mentioned on WNAV On The Foerfront This Morning ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ward One and CRUSH and WINE AND WHINE....and Council-Manager Issues Mentioned on WNAV On The Foerfront This Morning

Ward One and CRUSH and WINE AND WHINE....and Council-Manager Issues Mentioned on WNAV On The Foerfront this morning

Please visit WNAV.com and click ON DEMAND and then CLICK ON THE FOERFRONT......thanks for listening (You may be able to access by clicking on the WNAV icon to the right....)

I am on every weekday morning at about 0815 on 1430WNAV!!!!!!

If have you news for me or would like to be interviewed on air, please let me know

Please be sure to read my THE NINTH WARD column today at: 

LISTEN TO CP Publisher Paul Foer on 1430WNAV at 8:15 every weekday morning or click on the WNAV icon to the right. READ CP Publisher Paul Foer's "The Ninth Ward" every Wednesday in The Capital.www.capitalonline.com Identified comments are always welcome. ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS will be automatically rejected without being opened.


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