2010 Elections Again ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Thursday, July 22, 2010

2010 Elections Again

I'm not taking any sides or making any endorsements in any local election as ACP readers have known for years. I am sure that some would welcome my endorsement, some would fear it and most would not give a darn. (oh  did I say "darn"?) BUT....I have my opinions about what they say and how they campaign. Take for example how I have been responding to Herb McMillan's claims about a poll showing him ahead of House Speaker Mike Busch by double digits. I blew that one out as I felt the sample of 250 was too small to be scientific and it seemed to have many biases, not to mention the raw data, such as the specifics of the question or how it was prefaced was not provided. Then along came that scurrilous and paranoid attack article about his opponent Judd Legum in The American Spectator by locally-based writer Mark Hyman. That piece was a one-sided hatchet job that I kung-fu'd to death here on ACP. But then along comes McMillan touting this article:

"Judd Legum is campaigning with the message that it's time for new leadership! It's certainly time for new leadership....but not from Legum. He's a Democrat gun-for-hire and trial lawyer who "gained a reputation as the individual behind some of the most vicious attacks"; one with "liberal roots...being groomed for higher office"--not quite the leadership we deserve.
District 30 residents know all too well what happens when their representative is being groomed for higher office. We can expect Judd Legum to use national dollars to attack elected representative Ron George, and President of the Maryland Taxpayers Association Herb McMillan. The American Spectator reports that Legum had to use clever accounting methods just to show that a mere 80 of 482 donors come from within the district!

The American Spectator: Nationalizing Local Elections  http://spectator.org/archives/2010/07/07/nationalizing-local-elections

One of the most famous political quotes reminds us that 'all politics is local'. Why then does Legum rely so heavily on out-of-district and national funding? We do not need another trial lawyer in the Maryland General Assembly. Your generous donation ensures that our community is supported and represented by local activists who care about us--not a national political operative that thinks 'District 30' is legalese for 'stepping stone'. "
I'm not  supporting McMillan or Legum. I'm just trying to moderate their spin--both of them. I've questioned some of Legum's finance issues and in my wo pieces, said that Mark Hyman of The American Spectator made some good points and raised some issues about Legum I wrote to Hyman asking for comments and clarification. He did not respond. I'd like to know who funds him and whether he or anyone with whom he is associated is donating to McMillan. That would be interesting! I'd like to again ask readers to see my two-part expose on this article that McMillan refers to at: http://annapoliscapitalpunishment.blogspot.com/2010/07/hot-airand-lots-of-itand-vast-left-wing.html

and here: http://annapoliscapitalpunishment.blogspot.com/2010/07/hot-airand-lots-of-itand-vast-left-wing.html   You'll see that my expose is fair and is critical and supportive of both Legum as well as Hyman.
......Speaking of the race for the House of Delegates... Buy tickets for a Crab Raffle To Benefit Citizens to Elect Seth Howard on August 16, 2010..visit http://www.electsethhoward.com/

Look here for frequent updates to all the 2010 election campaigns with 2010 Elections Again! LISTEN TO CP Publisher Paul Foer on 1430WNAV at 8:15 every weekday morning or click on the WNAV icon to the right, press On demand and On The Foerfront to listen. READ CP Publisher Paul Foer's "The Ninth Ward" every Wednesday in The Capital at www.capitalonline.com Identified comments are always welcome. ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS will be automatically rejected without being opened.


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