2010 Elections Again More Money More Money.... ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Friday, August 6, 2010

2010 Elections Again More Money More Money....

I have received emails from both County Executive Candidate Joanna Conti and Delegate Candidate Judd Legum asking for money...more money...like now...because they want to get as much in as possible just before the finance reports are due so the finance reports can....well, you get the picture. More money, more money......Just follow the money....

Legum wrote "Four years ago, the Republican incumbent in our district reached into his own deep pocket and dumped $80,000 into the race to win by 53 votes. The first campaign finance deadline since January is just one week away. It will set the tone for the final stretch of this race. I need to raise $5000 in the next seven days to maintain our momentum and put us on a path to victory. Can you pitch in $20 right now?


I love walking my district and talking to voters. I don't like sending emails like this and asking folks for money.But there are essential aspects of the campaign that simply can't be fueled by sweat and shoe leather. We are working much harder than any of our opponents. But, if history is any guide, they are planning to make up for it by writing themselves a big check. That's why I need your help today.Look here for frequent updates to all the 2010 election campaigns with 2010 Elections Again!

A couple of comments are warranted. First of all he has already raised a lot of money. Why does he need more and more and more? Sound like a dumb question? he is probably raising a "war chest". Second, if his campaign was all about shoe leather, why is it now about money? Walking and talking takes no money. Third, if he is out to get "the Republican incumbent" aka Ron George for spending and spending and spending, suggesting it eked out a victory of 53 votes for him only because of money--what does this say about Legum's need for more money? He wrote,  "I need to raise $5000 in the next seven days to maintain our momentum and put us on a path to victory".


So which is it--money or shoe leather? And how can he say he is working harder than any of his opponents? George owns and operates two jewelry stores. Does Legum think that might be working hard--as in earning a living and paying employees?

And finally, I for one will be looking very carefully at all these claims about "deep pockets" which I don't think hold water (the claims, not the pockets...) and I am wondering, is he looking at how much  money House Speaker Mike Busch has on hand! Can you say "war chest"?

Just wait until the finance reports are published and all the news releases will be coming on extolling who got the most money!!! And don't these pols get why we are so sick of so many of them and their antics???  Or, are we partly to blame??

Again, I'll be looking at them carefully and doing my best not to let the pols spin the news too severely. The reports themselves will not "set the final tone for the race" as Legum states. He and the other candidates have already set that tone and I am to moderate it.

A  response from Delegate Ron George, the obvious target of Legum's attack will be published next week.
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