"Audit finds deficits and financial problems at fewer local governments despite bad year" reads the headline in an article by Megan Poinski who analyses the annual Maryland Office of Legislative Audits (OLA) report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009 in Marylandreporter.com. Of course, a lot can happen in a year..... but you can read her article at http://www.marylandreporter.com/Deficits-fiscal-problems-at-local-govt.aspx
Anne Arundel County but not Annapolis received some mention in the full report that may be found at: http://www.ola.state.md.us/Reports/Performance/Article%2019-2010.pdf
OLA conducts audits and evaluations of Maryland State government agencies and local school systems. OLA is a unit within the Department of Legislative Services, which provides staff support for the Maryland General Assembly. On its website, you can find the following OLA publications: Fiscal compliance audit reports issued for each State agency generally since 2002; Performance audit reports on selected State government programs; Reports on the financial management practices of the local school systems; and other publications, such as presentations made to legislative committees. You can also use this website to access the fraud hotline to report allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse of State government resources. http://www.ola.state.md.us/index.html
Fraud? Waste? Abuse?......hmmm......hmmmm....I'm thinking....
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Bay Daily on Hiatus
Congratulations to Bay Daily creator, Tom Pelton, who has accepted a
position with another organization working to make the world a better
place. In his ab...
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