Child Support--The Forgotten Step-Sibling Of Justice? ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Child Support--The Forgotten Step-Sibling Of Justice?

While I could not find it online (no link) there was a disturning letter to the editor in this morning's Capital Gazette:

Having majored in criminal justice and having a father who was a police officer for 23 years have given me insight into our criminal justice system. It's not that hard to understand. When you have done something wrong, you must face the consequences.

My aunt is going through a child support case that has been going on for several years. Her ex-boyfriend owes over $11,000 in child support. Circuit Court Judge Philip T. Caroom apparently doesn't believe this is a serious issue.

My aunt and her ex are supposed to have shared custody of their child, but he has yet to show his son any sign of love or support. He hasn't seen his son once in the last year.

My aunt has been in court over three times in the past six months because she's not receiving child support. Judge Caroom has ordered her ex to pay child support, but her ex has yet to do this.

So she keeps going back to court, with the same judge, who just sits there in his big chair telling her that they will keep on coming back to court for the same thing over and over until he feels that it is enough. Are several years without child support not enough?

To add insult to injury, my aunt's ex admitted in front of Judge Caroom that he broke into my aunt's house, and Judge Caroom did nothing.

My aunt is a hardworking woman. She works two jobs and takes very good care of my cousin. He is a bright 15-year old who makes honor roll at school almost every semester.

My aunt has no support from her ex-boyfriend. Now she has no support from the court system as well. No wonder people have no trust in our court system.

While this may not be the violent crime that we have all come to know; it is indeed a crime and highlights a crucial weakness in our justice system. Granted, this is only one side of the story, but if true, I think Judge Caroom has some questions to answer.

  • Why were his wages not garnished?
  • Were his bank accounts garnished?
  • What about a lien on personal property?
  • Tax refunds?
  • Economic stimulus refund?
  • Has this delinquency been reported to all the appropriate agencies--local, state and federal?

It takes two to tango and make a baby, but both parents have a legal and moral obligation to that child. It appears from this that the courts are turning a blind eye. If you are not able to handle the violent crime, and you are not able to handle the domestic crime; what crime are you handling? Jaywalking?

I hope for the sake of this writer's aunt that someone realizes what this is doing on many fronts and makes it right. Dad--come forward and stop being such a loser--make a payment--any payment would help. Judge Caroom, issue an order--stop wasting everyone's time with hearing after hearing--the time could be better spent earning a living!


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