Smile and Say "Cheese"...Cameras Everywhere....Action and Roll 'em ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Smile and Say "Cheese"...Cameras Everywhere....Action and Roll 'em

CP posted a comment about the appearance of federally-funded public monitoring cameras around our town. It brought this response from the publisher of the blog Arundel Crime:

Anne Arundel Crime said...

I completely disagree with you. These are NOT focused on bedrooms but the very PUBLIC sidewalks which you embrace.My concern lies in not monitoring them. How are you going to catch someone if they already did the crime and moved on?

You are already being recorded everywhere you go--from the Starbucks where you get your coffee, the Giant where you get your food, the mall, the Home Depot, etc.Once it invades PRIVACY it is an issue, but for now it seems to me to be on a PUBLIC right of way!

Dear Anne Arundel Crime:

Thanks for the note. That's why I'm here. Just because we get monitored in many places does not make it right or mean it should be expanded, but before I go on, let me say that I am not adamantly opposed to any and all uses of public camera in every situation. In fact, it's a great idea in public transportation stations and vehicles and are most effective when the public knows they are in place.

I am making multiple points, mainly about what we are getting without knowing it and without much public concern, instead of other public things we need to fight crime. For example, we get an urban assault vehicle but not en0ugh men and women in uniform. Not only that, but people are up in arms about red light cameras which actually catch people who endanger us and they freaked out about a measly tax for sidewalks. Right wingers who go gaga about so-called government intrusion into private lives (except in the bedroom of consenting adults where they think it's okay...)do not seem to be bothered by them. There really is a privacy issue here and as to whether or not it plays an important role in catching all these "terrorists", who is to know for sure?
It's a complex issue and I don't see it as being black and white (although the film may be..), but I am concerned how willingly some are to accept this unquestioningly from a government they already mistrust and rightfully so. And I have not even mentioned wiretapping.....oops, wait a minute, there are some men in black at the front..hey wait a....what the??asygd8723r8ucv12444444444234u8)(&N UJIOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP


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