I Was Pleased To See The Sun....last night.....Hoyle and Finlayson Act As Expected ~ Annapolis Capital Punishment

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Was Pleased To See The Sun....last night.....Hoyle and Finlayson Act As Expected

It actually covered the City Council meeting: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/anne-arundel/bal-annapolis-budget0309,0,2795410.story 

Yes, the remarks by Alderwomen Hoyle and Finlayson are unfortunate....but about what I expected.  To read Finalyson say that Cohen created a "culture of distrust and fear" is just so absolutely ridiculous that it makes my head spin. Finlayson refuses respond to any emails or phone calls from this reporter and she talks about distrust? She was the handmaiden to Ellen Moyer, the queen of distrust and fear and somehow thinks she works for public employees rather than taxpayers. Even public employees pay taxes!

Keep your eyes peeled for tonight's The Capital.


Allen Furth said...

I seems to me that Finlayson just doesn't get it. This whole budget debacle can be attributed to her own fault - perhaps, she's in denial. While Hoyle likely doesn't have the faculties to understand, Finlayson should get it - and even worse, she may be in a position to do REAL harm to the city.

Paul Foer said...

Indeed. Hence my comment in my Ninth Ward column last week about "refuse" workers....as in denial....but not even plausible denial!

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